Family cars and automobiles have a very special place in the hearts of the members of the family. More often than not, they will have discussed at length, thought about it and saved up for years before buying that vehicle. So much thought and efforts go into planning the finances and situations around the event of the purchase. After all that hassle, to know that the precious vehicle is being attacked would be no less than horrifying!

To find the culprit and stop the attack would be the most prioritized task. What if the attackers turn out to be relentless? What if there seems no plausible way to stop the culprits? What if days after days they attack the vehicle and damage it? The situation would turn so hopeless and bleak. One would stop to think who these assailants are. They are none other than the pesky rodents that we see everywhere. Rats can be found on the busy sidewalk of roads and bigger rodents like raccoons can be found around your backyard and in bushy areas. Moles and gophers like to ruin your gardens and lawns. These rodents are present everywhere. They chew on everything available making life miserable for everyone around.
The rodents chew the wires and cables, fuel reservoirs, ducts, cable carriers, seats, etc. from the cars causing a nuisance. Replacement of these vital parts from the cars is expensive.

Your cars and vehicles prove to be nice feasts for them because of the ample amounts of polymeric materials present in them that they are attracted to. Yes, this is the truth of what is happening around the world. Parked cars not only tempt them with the availability of abundant food but also the comfort of warm resting space. It is relatively easy for them to make their way inside the vehicle. The electrical wirings and systems directly lead them to the bonnet of the car, where they can build nests and damage the wirings. The damage they cause can sometimes be very difficult to locate, resulting in large repair bills!
Recent news article clippings that have reported such incidences are presented below:
Raccoon breaks into Spokane family’s car while the family was out of town
Apr 22, 2021
“I found raccoon prints all on the inside of the car and the outside of the car and some big teeth marks on the front seat,” Liz Cole said.
While away, a local Raccoon had broken into their car and rummaged around, causing damage to the inside and outside of the vehicle.
Raccoons are known for getting into trash cans, crawling into chimneys and making homes in attics and crawl spaces. One Raccoon, named Rebecca, even lived at the White House during the Coolidge presidency. But wild raccoons, though seemingly cute, are dangerous and can be a carrier of rabies.
“We got a little bit used to being in the city where there is not as much activity with animals so we have realized we have to be a little more careful,” Cole said.
Hungry rats costing Brisbane car owners thousands in repairs
April 24, 2021
Brisbane’s cooler months have prompted warnings that rats may be looking for a cosy place to wine and dine — such as your car engine.
One Holland Park resident, Tanya Wright, was recently hit with a costly bill after her car wouldn’t start.
Her mechanic discovered the engine’s wiring had been almost entirely stripped by hungry rats.
“All the coating off the wiring had been gnawed off — a couple of thousand dollars’ worth of damage,” Ms Wright told
“They go in there looking for warmth from the motor and they discover things they like to chew.”
Ms. Wright said she contacted Brisbane City Council, which sent forth rat dogs to sniff out the problem.
But her car remains at the mechanic’s and her insurance policy does not cover rat damage.
Ms. Wright urged people to double-check their insurance policy to avoid a steep bill.
“We had rats in our car, they ate through all the wiring, our kids’ car seats and even chewed the seatbelts,” she said.
One listener urged that caution when using rat baits around children and pets, while another warned about confusing rats with native mammals such as antechinus.
We, at C Tech Corporation, can provide with an extremely low toxic, low hazard, effective and efficient solution. RodrepelTM is an anti-rodent, anti-animal polymer additive. It is specially designed for polymeric applications. The masterbatch can be incorporated in insulation, wires, door cladding, carpet, plastic accessories, seat cushions, car covers, polymeric switch panels, components of ignition box, fuel tanks, fuel hoses, foam seats, etc. RodrepelTM lacquer can be coated on already installed wires, polymeric hoses, fuel tanks, battery box, ducts, door cladding, etc.
Our newly developed product in the form of a spray is a must-have product for every car owner! Rodrepel™ Rodent Repellent Spray is specially designed for cars. The product can be sprayed on the car components after clearing the dust and waste from the components. The product when applied properly repels the rodents and protects the cars from rodent damage.
RodrepelTM works on the mechanism of repellence. It does not kill target species but only repels them.
Our product is FIFRA exempted and is also REACH, RoHS, RoHS2, APVMA, NEA and EU-BPR complaint.
RodrepelTM will be the best solution to keep rodents away from your cars.
Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat this menace.
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