Rats, squirrels, insects, and small birds may squeeze through gaps as small as a quarter-inch wide. They can get into almost any building, car, or backyard with ease. Glue traps are widely employed to get rid of these invaders in an area. Some feel it is the more ethical way of trapping small creatures that are considered pests; however, they aren’t the right approach!
These traps are also called glue boards or sticky boards and are made out of sheets of paper, fiberboard, or plastic that have been covered with tacky glue and are designed to target any small animal that crawls across or lands on them. Glue traps are pretty cruel. People who are aware of the level of cruelty linked with the use of glue traps would refuse to use them.
Thousands of animals are entrapped unknowingly because of these boards. Death is not quick or painless if animals are caught in glue traps. It may rip out patches of fur or feathers, break bones, and even gnaw through their limbs in an attempt to release them, which is horrific.
Below are some recent incidents where the animals were lucky to survive from these inhumane traps!
Fox lucky to be alive after being stuck in a glue trap overnight
An animal welfare charity has called for a ban on glue traps after a fox cub was trapped overnight.
The baby fox, who rescuers say was lucky to survive, was covered in glue after getting caught in the trap on April 10, 2021. The device is a tray coated with a sticky adhesive typically used to trap rodents and animals classed as vermin.
The stricken cub was heard wailing in pain through the night before rescuers were called in to save him. He was then taken to the Scottish SPCA’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre.
His fur was badly matted by the adhesive and needed to be shaved despite attempts to remove the glue through a mix of Fairy liquid, vegetable oil, and soapy water. “This poor fox cub’s lucky escape is further proof that they are an ineffective form of pest control.
Cat rescued from ‘extremely cruel’ glue trap in Accrington
Six-year-old Valentina was rescued by the RSPCA after being found by a member of the public in Accrington in February 2021. Her paws were stuck in a glue trap, which is normally used to trap rats and mice.
The tortoiseshell cat was in a terrible state, with glue all over her fur, and burns to her mouth from where she had tried to lick off the glue. RSPCA Inspector Emma Dingley said: “This poor cat was completely stuck to the glue trap and she had been panicking and trying to get herself free by licking at the glue which then caused severe burns.
The above incidents proved that glue traps are inhumane and cause undue suffering to creatures caught in them, whether they are the intended target species or a cherished pet or wild animal. The terrible reality is that unmanaged trapped animals will slowly die from thirst, hunger, or fatigue.
“Humans are also at risk from glue traps. The CDC and Health Canada specifically advise against their use because to the risk of Hantaviruses spreading when panicked, entrapped animals lose control of their internal functions”
Using traps to combat this problem is not a viable approach. Why rely on these tactics when they have all been proven to be cruel? Instead of killing these pests, you can use products that repel them, bringing the ecosystem back into balance.
Combirepel™ is an anti-rodent, anti-insect, and bird aversive developed by C Tech Corporation for a variety of applications. It is a combination of both Rodrepel™ and Termirepel™ and it is a non-mutagenic, low-toxic, low-hazard with a low level of concern and can withstand harsh weather conditions.
Combirepel™ comes with different variants such as masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, spray, and bird repellent gel lacquer to keep the pesky pests at bay!
The masterbatch can be incorporated with polymer while manufacturing cable sheathing, utility pipes, polymeric parts, trash bins, etc. The liquid concentrate can be mixed with paints in a predetermined ratio which depends on infestation level and can be applied on interior and exterior walls of buildings, mechanical equipments, cars, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces such as polymer, concrete, metal, wood, ceramic, etc. it can be topically applied on floorings, racks and shelves, existing utility pipes, existing wires and cables, and other metal surfaces. The wood polish additive can be blended with wood polish and can be applied directly on wooden surfaces to protect it from wood damaging insects.
Combirepel™ Bird Repellent Gel Lacquer is designed to keep birds away. This product is developed solely to keep birds from perching and roosting. The product causes the bird’s pain receptors associated with taste. Some birds use their sense of smell to determine whether the substance is dangerous or not. Repellent induces a physiological reaction in the birds, which they equate with a sensory cue and learn to avoid. As a result, their infestation is minimized, and harm is prevented. The gel lacquer compatible with most of the surfaces and is easy to apply. Also, it can be directly applied to areas prone to bird roosting.
Our Combirepel™ pest repellent spray is easy-to-use and can be sprayed directly in gaps, cracks, or any infested area to keep the pests away.
Also Rodrepel™ rodent repellent spray can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the rodents.
Bye-Bye Birdy bird repellent spray is very user-friendly and convenient for application.
Thus using the blend of green chemistry and smart technology we can get rid of them without causing them any physical harm and can take a step ahead towards sustainability.
Our products are RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, EU – BPR, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com to keep the pests away.
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