Turns out the common squirrel has an uncommon tendency for nibbling through the nation’s fiber optic cables.

Squirrels damage electrical distribution facilities by tunneling, by chewing through electrical insulation, or by simultaneously coming into contact with two conductors at different electrical potentials.
Squirrels have four teeth in the front of their mouth that constantly grow throughout their lives. This ensures that their teeth don’t wear down to nubs from gnawing on nuts and other objects.
So the next time your internet is down, maybe don’t shake your fist at your cable provider right away. First throw open the sash and see if there’s a little furry beast sitting on the line, gnawing on it like a corn.
Squirrel causes power outage in Manassas
June 08, 2020; Susie Webb
The City of Manassas experienced a brief power outage on Monday morning affecting 493 customers.
The culprit – a squirrel.
At 8:25 a.m. the power went out. It was restored in 23 minutes.
Residents pay the city of Manassas for their electricity.
The city provides power to all of its residents with 205 miles of primary power lines.
Squirrels have probably caused way more power outages than cyber-criminals
JUNe 17, 2016

If your power has ever gone out on a beautiful day, you may have been the victim of a squirrelly attack.
That’s because squirrels are responsible for an impressive number of electrical issues each year.
Although it’s tricky to get a real sense of how many outages squirrels manage to cause, the numbers are daunting. One estimate tallies 560 in Montana alone last year. Another blames a whopping 400 outages in Austin, Texas, last year on the sneaky rodents.
Squirrels and their partners in crime cause about 10-20% of all power outages, according to The Washington Post.
C Tech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome the damage caused by squirrels. RodrepelTM is an anti-rodent and animal aversive which is extremely low in toxicity and extremely low hazard, environmentally safe solution. It is engineered using a unique set of complex compounds.
RodrepelTM is available in the form of a masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additives and sprays.
The masterbatch can be incorporated in cable sheathing. The product in the form of liquid concentrate can be diluted in Paints and organic solvents and applied to cables. The lacquer which is a topical application can be directly applied on the already installed wires and cables, cabinets and transformer boxes. The wood polish additives can be mixed with the wood polish and applied on wooden surfaces.
Our newly developed products, Rodrepel™ Rodent Repellent Spray is an easy to use product which can be sprayed on wires and cables, electronic appliances, cabinets, so as to as avoid the rodents from entering them.
RodrepelTM is cost-effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, REACH, NEA, EU BPR, APVMA compliant and FIFRA exempted.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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