Castor Canadensis commonly known as ‘Beaver’ is a semi-aquatic rodent. They spend most of their time in rivers and streams. Beavers are pure vegetarian; they live on fresh leaves, barks, stems, branches, and twigs. Cattail and water lily tubers are their favorite food. They have very sharp incisors which grow throughout their life.
Hence to keep them in check they chew on any kind of tree, wooden objects and sometimes on polymer pipes connected to swimming pools, sewer lines, drainage pipes etc.
Beavers are well known for their dam building skills. They create dams to raise the water level to build their home or lodges in water. Because of this engineering skill they cause flooding to house, roads, athletic fields, yards, timberlands, croplands etc. They also cause blockages to dam canals, streams, drainage, pipes, sewer lines etc. Because of this many fish cannot reach their traditional spawning ground. Also trees die because of this prolonged flooding.
Here are some incidences that show how beavers have affected our lives:
County Airport dealing with ongoing beaver problem
Jonathan Richie
BURNETT COUNTY–– “It’s been frustrating, so we had to bring in a guy to come in and do some beaver trapping,” Airport Manager Chuck Shultz told the infrastructure committee last week. “It’s a private trapper that the DNR in Grantsburg suggested.”
“This is a pretty common thing for Burnett County,” Rod said. “It’s hard to tell how many are left out there.”
Rod explained that the beavers live in a 30-40 acre area surrounding the airport. In that area, they have built five different dams.
Shultz said the dams create giant pools of water at the airport and the nuisance beavers are the main concern.
Homeowners and industry struggling with beaver dam flooding
‘If it wasn’t for people taking care of these beavers, these roads would be flooded constantly,’ says trapper
CBC News · August 7, 2017
‘They can cause real damage’

The situation is getting so bad, that even people who are used to dealing with nearby beavers are frustrated.
Rhonda Hall has lived on her property in Lively for 25 years. She says beaver dams have flooded her property to the point where her septic field and well water are at risk.
“People don’t understand it. They think beavers are cute and whatever,” she says.
“But they can cause real damage.”
Biologists classify beavers as ‘keystone species’. Beavers build dams in water and create wetlands upon which many species and endangered species depend. They purify and control water by filtering silt from water bodies in which they live. High water table, less erosion and cleaner water results from these beaver dams. They can also prevent forest fire from spreading in neighboring region. Beaver dams also protect downstream spawning areas from sedimentation and increase salmon and trout populations.
Hence to use conventional methods like electric fencing, exclusion fencing, frightening devices, toxicants, fumigants, toxic rodenticides would not be appropriate. As these methods directly harm beavers.
C Tech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome damage caused by beavers. Rodrepel™ is a low toxic, low hazard, non-carcinogenic and environmentally safe, anti rodent additive. The masterbatch of Rodrepel™ can be incorporated in polymer pipes, silage bags, agriculture films, mulches etc.
Rodrepel™ liquid concentrate can be added to paints which can be applied to fencing of trees, house, croplands etc.
Rodrepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the fences, installed pipe, wires
Rodrepel™ does not kill but repel. It is engineered using
Rodrepel™ is cost-effective, inert, thermally stable, and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, REACH, EU BPR, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.
You can thus contribute to the environment by using our products.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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