Pest menace in the agricultural sector is one of the most significant issues today in India which needs to be addressed immediately. Rodents cause millions of dollars in damages to field crops, stored grain and farm equipment every year. Apart from unpredictable rains, droughts and natural disasters insects are also the major contributors in lowering the agricultural yield every year. The damages can be categorized into two types, pre-harvest damages, and post-harvest damages. Harvest and post-harvest loss of India’s major agricultural production are estimated at Rs. 92,651crore ($13 billion) according to data published by the Ministry of food processing industries on August 9, 2016. The loss is almost three times as high as the budget for the agriculture sector.
In addition, the rodents carry more than 200 human pathogens which can cause deadly diseases that are transmissible to humans, animals, and livestock. Rodents are one of the serious threats to food production. The rodents will infest the premises like the farms, rural dwellings, refuse tips etc. that provide food, shelter, water, and safety.
Rodents as a part of their oral maintenance constantly gnaw on the various polymeric applications used in agriculture like agricultural films, storage bags, mulches, and even the drip irrigation pipes and tubing.
Rodents pose threat to paddy fields, Punjab Agriculture University experts issue advisory

A farmer spills poisonous bait in his field in Moga. Tribune photo
Kulwinder Sandhu
Tribune News Service
Moga, June 22
Experts from Punjab Agriculture University (PAU), Ludhiana, today issued an advisory to farmers in the Malwa belt on rodent control during the germination stage in direct seeded rice (DSR) fields.
Farmers said rats were creating problems in the fields owing to the persistent dry weather conditions.
Agricultural experts said irrigation and puddling of fields in manual rice transplantation naturally destroyed rodent burrows (holes), but in direct seeded rice fields, farmers needed to kill them.
The lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis, is the predominant rodent pest species in Punjab, causing a huge damage to various crops. Its burrows could be identified in crop fields from loose heaps of soil. Other rodent species found in crop fields include soft furred field rat, Millardia meltada; Indian gerbil,Tatera indica; Indian bush rat, Golunda ellioti; and field mouse, Mus booduga.
Giant Rats Spotted In Central Valley Counties
The rodent that has launched a multi-agency task force is now threatening San Joaquin County.
The rodent eats so much vegetation that it threatens wetlands and there could also be the loss of agriculture crops and levees. The animals have been sighted in three Central Valley counties and could make its way into the delta in San Joaquin County.
Fish and wildlife officials are trying to eradicate the rodents and have set up a multi-agency task force to come up with a plan to deal with them.
“They wreck agriculture crops, they are rodents; they carry diseases, they can pass the disease onto livestock on people, and their pets,”
Ricefield rats are recorded as among the most damaging pestilence to rice crops in the world.
Traditional approaches to rodent population and damage management have relied on direct reduction of populations using rodenticide baits or rodent traps which is of no use.
We, at C Tech Corporation, manufacture a range of extremely low toxicity, extremely low hazard, and environment-friendly pest repellent products.
Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.
Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them.
The products are available in the form of a solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, and wood polish additive.
The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like wires and cables, drip and micro-irrigation pipes, nylon grain bags, plastic mulches, plastic pots, greenhouse films, transport trays, turf and tie wires, etc.
The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to already installed cables and wires, fence and tree guards, the coating of walls, and other entry points. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.
The already installed cables, pipes, and other application can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing on this application and thus preventing the damage. The lacquer is a transparent product and it does not wear off easily.
The wood polish additive can be blended with wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture.
Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray which is easy to use the product. It can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the rodents and prevent them from entering the premises.
By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against rodent nuisance.
Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get the best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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