An Effective Way To Manage The Gnawing Rats!

Only run-down areas attract rats!

The most common myth about rats is they can only be found in slum areas, but the truth is rats can appear anywhere. As long as they find food and shelter, they can make themselves at home in any area. Just like that there are many other myths and rumors about rats in terms of their behavior, way of communication and solutions for damage caused by them. For a proper rodent control it is essential to know the difference between the facts and myths. Here are some facts about rodents and an ecofriendly preventive measure for the damage caused by them!

Like other mammals rats also form a family group. They nourish each other, chase each other and sleep together and try to defend their group from stranger rats. As rats are capable to adapt themselves in human environment, usually they are found in cities and rural areas. Rats have poor vision but excellent hearing so they communicate by producing ultrasound which is not audible by humans. Sometimes they create some noise to express their pain or distress which is audible to humans and even scrapping teeth is another way of showing distress in rats. The pheromones play a special role in social behavior of rats. Basically it triggers a warning sign within the rats if there is any danger or gives a signal to interact with opposite sex. Let’s have a look on experimental study on how rats communicate!

Mind-reading rodents: Scientists show ‘telepathic’ rats can communicate using brain-to-brain

February 28, 2013 | Independent TV

Scientists have shown that it is possible to transmit instructions from one animal to another by a telepathic-like process of brain-to-brain communication. They believe it is the start of what they are calling “organic” computing based on networks of interconnected brains. Pairs of laboratory rats have communicated with each other using microscopic electrodes implanted into their brains. One rat was able to pass on instructions to the other rat in a separate cage using a system of electronic encoding. “As far as we can tell, these findings demonstrate for the first time that a direct channel for behavioral information exchange can be established between two animal’s brains without the use of the animal’s regular forms of communication,” they say.

One rat in each pair, the “encoder”, detected the physical signals of where to find a food reward and pass on these instructions to the second “decoder” rat, which was able to use the encoded signals of the first rat to find a similar reward in its own cage without any further help. The scientists also showed that the direct brain-to-brain communication, carried by fine wires connecting one rat to the other, can be extended over the internet, with rats in Brazil communicating with rats in North Carolina, some 7,500km away. These experiments showed that we have established a sophisticated direct communication linkage between brains.

Earlier this month, Professor Nicolelis revealed that he had given laboratory rats a “sixth sense” by connecting up their nervous systems to a sensor that can detect infrared light, which is normally invisible to rats as well as humans. Professor Nicolelis inserted micro-electrode implants into the rats’ brains to record the nerve activity associated with making a decision. He then put these signals through a computer encoder which transmitted them via wires to the second rat, which quickly learned how to decode them for its own use. Each rat was trained to find water in its cage based on the type of signals they were given. However, during the experiment only the encoder rat was exposed to these signals and it had to pass on the right instructions to the second, decoder rat which managed to find the reward in about 70 per cent of cases. So basically when two rats are paired up they establish a quick sensory feedback. If one fails to find the reward, the other one modify its brain to find that reward.

This experiment can be very useful to control the aggressive behavior of rats especially when they are trying to damage various things. Rodents can actually cause property damage and transmit various diseases thus, it is essential to control them with proper strategies.

We all know “Prevention is better than cure!” So, Using the traps or poisonous food won’t keep the rats away as their population grows continuously by a factor of 10 in just 15 weeks. Their teeth grow continuously which make the discomfort in them as a result, they keep gnawing the things.

In order to maintain the ecosystem C Tech Corporation found an alternative to prevent rodent damage.

The product is called RodrepelTM, the name itself suggests repelling the rodents. It is an extremely low toxic product. It repels the rats and other rodents without killing them.

The product is available in various forms. The masterbatches can be used while manufacturing the PVC cables, wires, Agricultural films, pipes, household plastic goods etc. The spray can be directly applied on the packed items to avoid the nuisance. RodrepelTM can also be available as paint additives to secure the interior as well as exteriors of property. RodrepelTM  in lacquer form can be coated over tree guards, fences, various PVC surfaces, etc. which would ensure a protection against the rodents. As it is mentioned before RodrepelTM is extremely low toxic its LD50 value (known as lethal dose which means the amount of chemical given to species to kill about 50% of its population) is 50000mg/kg which is less than any other repellent. By considering safety aspects it does not harm any animal or ecosystem. RodrepelTM is completely inert with polymer compounds and used to avoid any rodent infestation.

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