Voles: Tunneling rodents eating our plants!

Voles are mouse like rodents of the family ‘Cricetidae’.  Voles are often mistaken for mice; one of the best ways to differentiate these two rodents is by tail length. They are commonly called as meadow mouse.

Voles dig many short and shallow burrows underground and make their nest of leaves, grass, stems etc. In areas with winter snow, voles will burrow in and through the snow to the surface.

Types of voles:

Prairie Vole: commonly found in the Great Plains grasslands also in a variety of habitats, such as old fields, marshlands, and grass prairies.

Meadow Vole:  found in the northern United States and Canada.

Long-tailed Vole: found in a wide variety of habitats (for example, sagebrush grasslands, forests, mountain meadows, and stream banks) in the western United States and Canada.

Pine Vole:  found in the eastern United States. It inhabits a variety of habitats such as deciduous and pine forests, abandoned fields, and orchards.

Montane Vole:  found primarily in mountainous regions of the western United States. It is found in alpine meadows, dry grasslands, and sagebrush grasslands. It avoids forests.

Oregon Vole:  most often found in forested areas of northern California, Oregon, and Washington where there is an understory of forbs and grasses such as in burned or clear-cut areas.

California Vole: inhabits the chaparral shrubland of California.

Voles cause damage by feeding on a wide range of garden plants including artichoke, beet, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, spinach, sweet potato, tomato, and turnip. They also can damage turf and other landscape plantings such as lilies and dichondra. Voles will gnaw the bark of fruit trees including almond, apple, and avocado, cherry, citrus, and olive. They are poor climbers and usually don’t enter homes or other buildings. Instead, they inhabit wild lands or croplands adjacent to buildings or gardens and landscaped sites with protective ground cover. Most problems around homes and gardens occur during outbreaks of vole populations.  

Vole attacks on our fields and crops. If vole gnaws completely around the trunk or roots, it will disrupt the tree’s flow of nutrients and water, a process known as girdling. Girdling damage on trunks and roots can kill trees.

Signs of partial trunk or root girdling for a prolonged time before young trees bear fruit, reduced fruit yield, abnormal yellowish leaf color, and overall poor vigor. Where snow cover is present, damage to trees can extend a foot or more up the trunk. The damage that occurs beneath snow cover often escapes notice until it is too late.

Evidence showing vole damages:

Vole control: Know your enemy, expert says

TWIN FALLS, Idaho — Voles have wreaked havoc on southern Idaho cropland and pastures over the past two years, and controlling the population of the tiny pests has proved difficult.

High populations of the mouse-like rodent can easily cause 30 percent yield loss, and some producers in southern Idaho have reported up to 50 percent yield losses, University of Idaho Extension Educator Carlo Moreno told the UI Bean School on Jan. 27.

Vole problems mount in Eastern Idaho

IDAHO FALLS — Eastern Idaho alfalfa producers are mulling options to better control a vole outbreak that has already forced some growers to pull fields out of hay prematurely.

University of Idaho Extension cereals educator John Hogge said he’s fielded several calls from alfalfa growers seeking advice on protecting crops from voles, which haven’t been held in check by zinc phosphide, the region’s rodenticide of choice.

Hogge estimated the cost of buying and applying zinc phosphide at $20 per acre and said some growers have made three or four applications, with little impact.

C Tech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome the damage caused by voles. RodrepelTM is an extremely low toxic, extremely low hazard, non-carcinogenic and environmentally safe, anti-rodent additive. It does not kill but repel. It is engineered using unique set of complex compounds. It follows 6 pronged strategies which are extremely effective on rodents like voles, squirrel, rat, beaver, gopher, paca, marmot, etc.

RodrepelTM masterbatch can be incorporated in polymer pipes, irrigation pipes, drip tapes, silage bags, agriculture films, mulches, etc. RodrepelTM Liquid concentrate can be added to paints which can then be applied to fencing of trees, house, lawns, etc. RodrepelTM lacquer is a topical application which can be directly applied on the surface or equipment to be protected.

RodrepelTM is cost effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, EU BPR, NEA, REACH compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Hence by using RodrepelTM the lawns, farms and gardens can be prevented from vole damage effectively and considerably.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Impact of Rats on Rice Production

Rats are the major agricultural pest across Asia. Rats are found in the irrigated rice crops, all seasons are favorable for rat’s reproduction as well as crop damage. Easy availability of food, water, shelter, and safety are the factors which provide them with optimum breeding conditions.

The rice field rats feed at night with the highest activity and at day time they are found among vegetation, maturing fields etc. The rice field rats pull the transplanted plants and they also chop down the young seedlings. At the heading stage when the panicles are visible, the rats feed on them and during ripening stage; they feed on developing rice grains.

Rat damage in the crops can be observed by the following sypmtoms:

  • Missing germinating seeds
  • Damaged young seedlings
  • Missing of plants
  • Irregular cuttings of stem
  • Chewed ripening grains
  •  Grain maturity delay
  • Missing of  grains
  • Missing of  panicles

In the traditional farming system, the rats generally cause chronic losses to production in the order of 5-10% per annum. Today it is not unusual for the farmers with smallholder rice farm to report chronic yield losses of 25-30% per annum. In many areas, farmers refuse from planting the second rice crop because of the damage done by rats.

In Asia, there is 5% of rice production loss which amounts to approximately 30 million; enough to feed about 200 million people each year. Post-harvest and pre-harvest losses are probably similar; from this it is clear that rats play an important role in influencing food security and poverty alleviation programs for the poor.  Rodent also causes some dangerous diseases which can affect human health badly.

Let’s have a look at some of the evidence,

 ‘Di lang leptospirosis! Rat damages Negos rice farms

Farmers in Negros Occidental lost some P8.4 million to rats that infested some 703 hectares of rice farms there from July to August, the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist said.

Provincial Agriculturist Japhet Masculino said crop damage was monitored in four barangays in San Enrique, 11 in Valladolid, and three in Bago City in southern Negros Occidental; and four barangays of Cadiz City in the north.

This affected 507 farmers with a combined rice field area of 703.66 hectares, the OPA said.

Bago City, considered the rice bowl of Negros Occidental, sustained the highest losses at P6.06 million, with 344 farmers and 467.24 hectares affected.

In Valladolid, 89 farmers with 113 hectares of rice farms sustained P1.6 million in losses while in San Enrique, 61 farmers with 112.45 hectares lost P473, 514.

Meanwhile, in Cadiz, 13 farmers with 10.97 hectares sustained P226, 830 in losses.

 Oh rats! They’re eating away at our rice

 KEPALA BATAS: Penang’s padi fields are facing a growing and gnawing rat menace that began after the disastrous flooding of the mainland last November.

The ricefield rat (Rattus argentiventer), which can produce five to 10 offspring each month, has been ravaging padi fields in Kepala Batas.

To date, these rats have decimated crops in nearly 29ha in Paya Keladi belonging to 50 farmers, said Integrated Agriculture Development Area (IADA) Penang director Mohd Nazri Abu Seman.

Traditional approaches to rodent population and damage management have relied on direct reduction of populations using fumigation, rodenticide baits, rodent traps which is of no use.

We need to come up with the solution to increase agricultural need.

We, at C Tech Corporation, manufacture a range of extremely low toxicity, extremely low hazard, and environment-friendly pest repellent products.

Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The products are available in the form of a solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, and wood polish additive.

Our   Rodrepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated in the agricultural films, polymer mulches, greenhouse films, polymer sprinklers, irrigation pipes, plastic parts from pumps and tractors used in the fields.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to already installed cables and wires, fence and tree guards, the coating of walls and other entry points. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The already installed cables, pipes, and other application can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing on this application and thus preventing the damage. The lacquer is a transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

The wood polish additive can be blended with wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture.

Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray which is easy to use the product. It can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the rodents and prevent them from entering.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against rodent nuisance.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Rodents: The unwelcomed visitors in garden

Rodents are known as the scourge of many gardens. Mice, rats, and many other rodents not only cause damage from tunneling through the lawn and garden, but they can also eventually enter your home after colonizing the garden.

Rodents are the unwelcome visitors in the garden. Like any other living creature, rodents are in search of food, water and shelter, garden simply appears to be the best place for rodents to multiply and thrive.

Do Rodents eat plants?

Yes, rodents eat garden plants and they are especially fond of seeds, therefore a newly planted garden seeds are a favorite target for them.

Rodents not only destroy the hard work by eating the plant in the garden but they can also infect the garden with many serious diseases and pathogens. Disease like the salmonellosis can be spread by rat’s droppings including Leptospirosis disease. Once the garden is infected by the rat’s droppings, watering the plant can spread the bacteria from the ground and can further spread onto leaves and fruit

The specific areas of the garden to check for rodent infestations are:

  • Sheds: Rats and gophers tunnel under sheds and set up home for them.
  • Garbage bins: Garbage bins are the most attractive place for the rodents as it provides them waste food.
  •  Wood Piles: Wood piles are the most attractive places for rodents to build their nests.
  • Bird feeders: Birds drop seeds in the garden, which can attract the rodents. The seeds which are stored can be attractive to many rodents.

Let us have a look at some of the evidence for rodent’s nuisance in garden,

Hundreds of rats swarm Cork woman’s garden leaving her family in fear

Amanda Feeney from Killala Gardens in Knocknaheeny, Cork, said that she can’t even hang her laundry out as the rodents have taken over.

The mum of three children under eight, claims that illegal dumping in the area is causing the problem with cars pulling up and chucking black bags full of rubbish into the estate.

The problem is so bad that she had to get rid of her two dogs as the rats would fight to get their food and frighten them off.

They have eaten through her wheelie bin, her garden shed, climbed her back wall and roam freely around her front and back gardens, leaving her terrified.

Rat problem forces community garden in Harlem to be shut down

HARLEM, Manhattan (WABC) —

Too many rats have forced community leaders to shut down a garden in Harlem.

People in the neighborhood say it all started when a building was being torn down, and that sent the rats over.

The rats are bold and unafraid because they definitely outnumber the farmers. The rats came over when an old abandoned church was demolished across the street.

“And at some point they start crossing the street and jumping into the garden,” said neighbor Alejandro Ibanez. “And I could see them digging and trying to find their way in.”

The rats have taken up residence and so the rare green space where children played, neighbors met and families barbecued, is closed.

Traditional approaches to rodent population and damage management have relied on direct reduction of populations using rodenticide baits or rodent traps which is of no use.

We, at C Tech Corporation, manufacture a range of extremely low toxicity, extremely low hazard, and environment-friendly pest repellent products.

Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The products are available in the form of a solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, and wood polish additive.

The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like wires and cables, drip and micro-irrigation pipes, nylon grain bags, plastic mulches, plastic pots, greenhouse films, transport trays, turf and tie wires etc.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to already installed cables and wires, fence and tree guards, the coating of walls and other entry points. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The already installed cables, pipes, and other application can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing on this application and thus preventing the damage. The lacquer is a transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

The wood polish additive can be blended with wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture.

Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray which is easy to use the product. It can be sprayed on the infested area to repel the rodents and prevent them from entering the premises.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against rodent nuisance.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Cotton rats threat to our crops

In particular mouse and rat genes are now being cloned at an ever increasing rate providing a genetic framework for animal models of many human diseases. The cotton rat is technically known as Sigmodonhispidis.

Although it is a rodent, S. hispidis is neither a rat nor a mouse; its closest relatives are lemmings, voles, and muskrats. The cotton rat is the most common rodent in the southeastern United States. 

Notably, the cotton rat in the wild is now recognized as a primary host of hantavirus in the southeastern United States.

Cotton rats prefer dense cover such as grassy fields, overgrown roadsides, or fencerow vegetation adjacent to cultivated fields. They also occupy meadows, marshy areas, cactus patches, and weedy ditch banks. Under the protective cover, the cotton rat will have well-defined runways radiating in all directions from the nest site.

They are active year round and do not hibernate although heavy rains and extreme cold weather will decrease its activities. Hispid cotton rats run and swim. Cotton rats are normally herbivores, eating the roots, stems, leaves, and seeds of a wide variety of plants. They also feed on sugarcane, fruits, berries, and nuts. Cotton rats will cut tall plants off at the base and continue to cut them into shorter sections. They also eat insects, the eggs and young of ground-nesting birds and the carcasses of dead animals. They are called cotton rats because they build their nests out of cotton, and can damage cotton crops.

Cotton rats are basically nocturnal but will venture out in the daytime and are active year-round. They may damage a variety of crops, including grains, grasses, vegetables, peanuts, fruit crops, sweet potatoes, and sugar beets. Cotton rats are especially troublesome in sugarcane and melons. Since these animals will eat quail eggs, a high cotton rat population may have a detrimental impact on quail nesting success. Cotton rats also compete with quail for the same foods.

Hispid cotton rats are known to carry numerous diseases such as, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, rat bite fever, salmonellosis and tularemia, which can be transmitted to humans, pets and livestock.  

Cyclical Population Explosion of Cotton Rats Causes Concern

October 25, 2005

CANYON  The Texas Panhandle and South Plains needed a pied piper this summer to deal with a population explosion of cotton rats.

Alarm was raised this year when the normally range-habitat rat started showing up in towns, getting the attention of homeowners, said Ken Cearley, Extension wildlife specialist in Canyon.

A pumpkin producer in Yoakum County reported up to 60 percent of his pumpkins were damaged by the rats gnawing on them. One homeowner reported trapping 10 in her home.

There was an article in “The Mammals of Texas – Online Edition.” where a incidence took place in Texas again where millions of cotton rodents caused serious losses to farm crops, particularly peas, peanuts, watermelons and cauliflower.

“This thing exploded rather quickly and we didn’t know how broad and wide it would be,” Gilliland said. “It has been a fire drill for us.

Seemingly innocuous attacks by cotton rats can cost us dearly in terms of monetary value as well as human life. It is imperative that we take steps to control and contain this damage. Conventional methods of dealing with these creatures included use of armored cable, use of glass roving, insecticidal baits, glue boards and use of toxic chemical additives. Along the years each of these tried and tested methods have failed at some levels due to many reasons including adaptability of rodents, development of immunity to traditional poisons etc.

The time has come to look for a better alternative which is effective, ecofriendly and long lasting solution.

These rodents play a vital role of our ecosystem. These cotton rats are useful as an important animal model for study of various pathogens, infections etc. Since these rodents are vital for our ecosystem, it is of extreme importance to find a safe and non-toxic solution for the cotton rats problem which would keep these insects at bay while not causing any harm.

CTech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome damage caused by cotton rats. Rodrepel™ is a low toxic, low hazardous non-carcinogenic and environmentally safe, anti-rodent additive. It does not kill but repel. It is engineered using unique set of complex compounds.

Rodrepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated in polymer pipes, irrigation pipes, drip tapes, agriculture films, mulches, etc.

RodrepelTM is also available in form of liquid solution, lacquer, and sprays.

The RodrepelTM lacquer is a proper solution as a topical application to apply on fencing of trees and lawns. Lacquers do not interfere with the aesthetic properties of the application.

Liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and applied on surfaces while sprays are an easy to use products.

Rodrepel™ is cost effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, EU BPR, NEA, REACH compliant and FIFRA exempted.

If you are facing problems from these pests that contact us on technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com

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Car damage? Blame the rodents!

Woodchucks occasionally eat garden or field crops and can cause considerable damage in a very short period. But have you seen woodchucks damaging vehicles??

Surprised?? Well, it seems they have developed a taste towards the car components besides seeking shelter under the hood.

The groundhog, also known as a woodchuck, is a rodent belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.

They are usually seen in our fields and gardens burrowing and making tunnels but apparently, they are found under the hoods biting our car components.

The automotive wirings are made of food-grade plastic for a long time now. These make the parts easier to recycle and to meet sustainability targets set by the different government policies. Though ‘green’, these wirings give off a faint smell when warm, which attracts the rodents and they chew up cars.

The soy-based content on wiring and fuel lines attract the pests turning vehicles into a moveable feast for pests.

News reported were:

Woodchucks Destroyed Paul Ryan’s Chevy Suburban

July 19, 2018

While its common for rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels to chew on engine wiring, it’s less common to hear about woodchucks chowing down on this vehicular “delicacy.” Earlier this month, however, House Speaker Paul Ryan had a personal encounter with some destructive groundhogs.

During a speech to The Economic Club of Washington D.C., he expressed sadness over his Chevy Suburban’s demise. “My car was eaten by animals. It’s just dead.”

Ryan went on to articulate the woodchuck ordeal. He had parked his Suburban at his mother’s house in Wisconsin for the winter. when the engine wasn’t working, he towed it to the dealer. A closer investigation revealed chewed wiring as the cause of the vehicle’s death. Apparently a whole clan of woodchucks had been living in the Suburban’s underbody, to keep warm during the chilly season.

Woodchuck responsible for starting car fire in Steamboat Springs euthanized

Firefighters were worried the woodchuck would start another fire

By Matt Stensland | Steamboat Today │May 22, 2017 

The woodchuck had climbed into the engine compartment of a Toyota 4Runner that was being stored at a ranch.

After the new owner picked up the car, it caught fire while he was driving to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get it registered.

The driver pulled into the Steamboat Today parking lot, and the woodchuck was seen fleeing the scene.

What’s under the hood? A groundhog!

Lou Whitmire, Reporter | May 18, 2016

MANSFIELD – You can’t just chuck out a woodchuck.

That’s what Carolyn Cyrus learned after a groundhog decided to burrow into the engine compartment of her 2015 Honda CR-V on Tuesday evening.

She got into her car about 7 p.m. Tuesday to go to Drug Mart, and was backing up when she noticed she had no power steering.

She went back inside to get her husband, Roy, who came outside and confirmed the lack of power steering.

Her husband lifted the hood and found the culprit hiding in the engine: a huge groundhog.

“After prodding and poking that thing, he still wouldn’t come out,” Carolyn Cyrus said.

So they put a bowl of dog food outside the car, hoping to lure it out.

Wednesday morning, the dog food and groundhog were gone, Cyrus said.

That was the good news. The bad news?

Her car needs to be repaired. She found three pieces of chewed wire on the ground, and she doesn’t know how much it’s going to cost. She’s not sure if critters crawling up in the engine are covered under the warranty or insurance. The car was towed to the dealership where she purchased it, and she is concerned about when she will get it back.

You can buy the most dependable car on the earth and still face these problems. So what can you do to this?

The solution available with C Tech Corporation to this nuisance is a onetime solution and the need of the hour for the automobile industry. Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, non-hazardous rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them. The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The products are available in the form of a spray, solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.

Our newly developed product in the form of spray is a must-have product for every car owner! The Rodrepel™ Rodent Repellent Spray is specially designed for cars. The product can be sprayed on the car components after clearing the dust and waste from the components. The product when applied properly repels the rodents and protects the cars from rodent damage.

The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, oil filters, polymeric switch panels, components of ignition box, fuel tanks, fuel hoses, foam seats, airbags, tires and other polymeric components from cars while they are manufactured. Thus, making the end application rodent resistant.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to interior and exterior of the cars. It can be applied over the bonnet, bumper, doors, trunks etc. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The already installed cables, electric junction boxes, cable carriers, polymeric hoses, fuel tanks, battery box,  and ducts, etc. from the cars can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing these applications and thus preventing car accidents. The lacquer is transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against pest nuisance.

You could thus contribute to us in using products which are eco-friendly thus causing no damage to the environment.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:


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Are these little critters taking over your attic?

Innocent and playful might be the words you associate with squirrels. But just as these critters can be cute they can also be a menace. Squirrels are usually not harmful when they are living in your trees, but they can be very destructive and a health hazard once they invade your home. 

As squirrels have litters of babies twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, they are constantly looking for sheltered areas to build their nests. Squirrels get into the attic by chewing holes from the outside, typically above gutters, or at construction gaps where dormers meet the roofline. They may also gain entry to attics by chewing corners of trim or any other weak area that allows them access into the attic space. Attics and soffit areas make ideal nesting location for squirrels. Their height provides protection from predators and humans and allows squirrels to remain warm and dry through inclement cold weather.

Squirrels will commonly cause damage to attic insulation or will chew wires in the attic. Squirrels chew on wires  to sharpen, strengthen and control the growth of their teeth. And once they’ve chewed their way through, exposed wires become a major safety concern. Exposed wires can cause unexplained service interruptions, start fires or even electrocute anyone who touches them. As more litters of squirrels are born in or near the home, these squirrels will grow up, leave the nest and search for new areas within the attic to build their own nests.  Once inside, their nesting habits and fondness for gnawing down their incisors can cause thousands of dollars in building damage. As long as the squirrels continue to stay in the attics they will try to create more entry points.

Squirrels have also been known to chew through PVC piping. Imagine the destruction that could be caused by a damaged water line in your attic!

Let us look at some incidences where squirrel have severely damaged the attics and which lead to great financial loss

Squirrels are £20 million menace to homeowners

01 Mar 2011, The telegraph

Squirrels have been blamed for causing more than £20 million of damage to homes in Britain, including gnawed roof beams and chewed wiring. Last year, Glen and Laura Borner’s three-bedroom home in Hertfordshire burned down after squirrels chewed through electrical wiring in the loft.

Besides the estimated £20 million of damage to properties, the Forestry Commission said that squirrels also caused more than £10 million.

Flying squirrels and indoor snow make life miserable for Edina condo owner

DECEMBER 12, 2015, Star tribune

When the flying-squirrel guy told Tina Nelson that it was snowing in her attic, she knew things were getting out of hand at her Edina condo.

That was almost two years ago. Since then, the squirrels infesting her attic have been removed and the openings that let them in, along with the snow, have been closed. But Nelson continues to complain of problems with her unit at the Village Homes of Edinborough complex.

Seemingly innocuous attacks by squirrels can cost us dearly in terms of monetary value as well as human life. It is imperative that we take steps to control and contain this damage. Conventional methods of dealing with these creatures include use of toxic chemical additives, trapping. Along the years each of these tried and tested methods have failed at some level due to a variety of reasons including but not restricted to corrosion, adaptability of rodents, development of immunity to traditional poisons, etc.

They play a vital role in our ecosystem. They are great at planting trees. They bury their acorns, but forget where they put them. Hence to use toxic rodenticides to prevent damage caused by squirrels will not be an ideal solution. Also rodenticides can harm target as well as non-targeted species.

 The time has come to look for a better alternative; an effective and long lasting solution. A sure shot and effective way of doing this is ensuring that these rodents are kept away from our attics.

 A solution involving using the mechanism of repellence will be the best way to go about this as it will mean that the rodents are kept away from the attics in the long run.

RodrepelTM a rodent and animal repellant by C Tech Corporation is ideal.RodrepelTM is a low-toxic, low-hazard rodent repellant available in the form of masterbatch which can be incorporated in the cable sheathing during polymer processing. RodrepelTM in liquid form can be coated on the cable insulation to provide short-term protection from rodents. RodrepelTM lacquer can be applied as a topical application on the attics and also on the already installed cables. This product has been engineered with precision to work on multiple levels targeting the acutely developed sense of the rodents. It also targets the other olfactory senses causing temporary discomfort ensuring the rodent stays away from the end application.

Our newly developed products,  Rodrepel™ Rodent Repellent Spray is an easy to use product which can be sprayed on wires and cables, electronic appliances, cabinets, so as to as avoid the rodents from entering them.

RodrepelTM  is cost-effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, NEA, EU BPR, APVMA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

In our war against these four-legged terrorists, Rodrepel™ promises to be a reliable and promising weapon, making it our weapon of choice.

Contact us if you are facing problems against these little critters and also against aggressive animals as well as termites and insects.

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Rats in hotels

People visit hotels to relax and rejuvenate. Hotel rooms have everything you need for a pleasant stay. However, the tiny notorious species commonly found in hotels and restaurants are enough to ruin your vacation leaving you with nothing but exasperation.

The species explore each and every room; mostly kitchens; and are responsible for damages. Yes, I am talking about the rodents like rats and mice.

People visit hotels to relax and rejuvenate. Hotel rooms have everything you need for a pleasant stay. However, the tiny notorious species commonly found in hotels and restaurants are enough to ruin your vacation leaving you with nothing but exasperation. The species explore each and every room; mostly kitchens; and are responsible for damages. Yes, I am talking about the rodents like rats and mice.

An encounter with a pest in a hotel can ruin a guest’s stay and result in negative comments spreading a bad reputation for the hotel, seriously affecting business. An infestation of pests can also result in authorities taking legal action to ensure public safety, especially if the kitchens, restaurants, and bars are affected.

Nearly 40% of the mammals species are Rodents. Rodents are characterized by two pairs of continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which need to be kept short by gnawing. Rats and mice are attracted by food supplies and do not venture far from their shelter or nesting sites. Rats and mice are capable of a rapid increase in population given an abundant food supply; due to the number of litters they are capable of producing and the time to maturity. They also are in constant search of places that would provide shelter from predators. They need dark and warm places to hide. This is the reason why they invade our hotels and restaurants.

Rodent presence in hotels can be indicated through the signs they leave. Droppings of various shapes and sizes; smudge marks along runs caused by their oily fur; small entry spots; gnawing on clothes, building materials, etc. are the signs which indicate rodent presence in hotels.

Rodents are the carriers for many diseases, including Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, rat-bite fever. They can transport bacteria, such as salmonella, on their bodies and contaminate food sources and kitchen surfaces.

Rodents usually enter the hotels through poorly sealed heating and cooling air conditioning ducts, laundry area, drainage pipe holes, etc. The spacious area like hotels is available for them to accommodate and requires great efforts to completely eradicate them.

Hotels have to suffer great economic losses due to rodent menace. Rodent sighting in hotels can badly affect the hotel’s name and reputation. Therefore hotels must pay special attention to maintaining hygiene and also eradicating the rodent infestation.

Rodent Caught On Camera At Disneyland

CBS Los Angeles │May 22, 2018

ANAHEIM (CBSLA) — Critter concerns at the Happiest Place on Earth. A visitor caught a rodent on camera scurrying across the floor of one of the Disneyland resort’s hotels.

As CBSLA’s Stacey Butler reports, Disneyland tonight is taking some serious action.

The cell phone video was taken by a guest Monday night inside the lobby of the Hearthstone Lounge at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa.

“I think it’s pretty bad to get to that state that they have rodents running around in the main foyer,” said guest Raelynn Flatters.

Guests pouring out of Disneyland Tuesday night were shocked that rodents appeared to run around the popular lounge.

“That’s disgusting,” said a visitor. “And I bet they weren’t named Mickey either.”

The Hearthstone Lounge normally serves drinks and food all day and night but for now it’s shut down.

Lincoln man said he found rodent nest in hotel bed

By Carly Jensen | 1011now.com │January 23, 2018

A Lincoln man said he found a rat’s nest in his bed while staying at a hotel.

Russell Fletcher said he was driving back to Lincoln from DJaying a show in another town when he decided to stop at the Syracuse Inn and Suites.

But later that night, he said he awaken by something in the bed with him.

“I feel something started about my back neck area,” Fletcher said.  “And then by the time I fully woke up, I could feel it moving around.“

Russell said it was a mouse

He said he kicked the bedding off the bed and found a nest and rodent droppings in one of the bed’s corners.  He said he also found dried up insect parts on the other bed’s frame.

Hotels do need effective and durable repellents. Hence a permanent solution is available with   C Tech Corporation in the form of product called Rodrepel™. Rodrepel™ is an extremely low at toxicity, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic compound, low hazard, non-dangerous and environmentally safe rodent repellent.

Our product is available in the form of a masterbatch, which can be directly incorporated in the application while manufacturing and in the form of lacquer, paint additives, wood polish additives that can be directly applied as a top coat on the surface of application. Rodrepel™ does not kill but only keeps the rodents away by making use of the sensory mechanisms.

Liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of hotels, ceilings, storage rooms, kitchens, guestrooms, washrooms, etc. to repel rodents from the area required.

Our product in the form of lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as furniture, attics, wooden fences, sewage pipes, wires, cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, wood, concrete, polymer, ceramic etc.

Wood polish additive can be mixed with the wood polish and applied on the wooden articles and furniture from the hotels.

Masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment from hotels, etc. This would result in the final application being rodent repellent.

Our newly developed product is in the form of spray. The RodrepelTM rodent repellent spray can be used by anyone and easy to use.

The product functions from a distance due to the peculiar smell which generates a typical fear response in rodents. Rodents are further restricted from biting the applications treated with our products due to advanced mechanisms like sensory stimuli modification etc.

Further, they acquire a fear towards the Rodrepel™ containing products which make them stay away from the application. Thus, Rodrepel™ actually helps in modifying rodent behavior. Rodents being social animals also communicate the bad experience to their population in the vicinity. Thus using Rodrepel™ can give a long term relief to hotel businesses from rodents.

Rodrepel™ is a product resulting from smart technology and green chemistry. Hence doesn’t harm any target or non-target species in any way, just keeps rodents away. We are committed to our environment & we believe that no harm must be caused to animals or to the environment.

You can thus contribute to the environment by using our products.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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4] http://www.combirepel.com/

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Flying Squirrel – A great nuisance

Flying squirrel is the type of rodent which can be more appropriately called as gliding squirrels, although their name is flying squirrel in real they don’t fly but glide. They glide using a thin skin between their front leg and back leg that allows them to glide through the air from one tree to another tree. In a single glide, a flying squirrel can cover more than 150 feet. They have originated around 19 to 20 million years ago. The life expectancy of the flying squirrel is about 6 years.

Flying squirrels are nocturnal and are known to make huge noise especially during the night between the sunsets and have a high sense of smell. They can enter the attics through small cracks and crevices by chewing up the area for wide and large entry point as they are smaller than the gray squirrel. The typical habitat of the flying squirrel is inside hardwoods.

 Let’s have look at some of the evidence,

Students report flying squirrel infestation in Terraces

The Office of Facilities is working to address student reports that flying squirrels have been scurrying around in the Terraces Residence Halls at Ithaca College.

 The reports of flying squirrels were in Terraces 6 and 9. Facilities addressed the problem by sealing off where the squirrels had entered, said Ernie McClatchie, executive director in the Department of Facilities, Grounds and Transportation. Facilities first received reports of flying squirrels in Terrace 9 in mid-November and from Terrace 6 in early December. McClatchie said this is the first time he is aware that squirrels have accessed the dorms and were reported to Facilities.

 One of the students who filed a report to Facilities, sophomore Zachary Ashcraft, said the issue first arose Nov. 26 when he heard a rustling noise coming from under his bed. Two weeks later, he heard the same sound again, and Ashcraft and a friend used a granola bar to lure out and catch a glimpse of what he thought was a mouse.

 Ashcraft’s friend called the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, who told Ashcraft that there had been issues of flying squirrels in Terrace 6. Ashcraft was told by Public Safety to put in a work order with Facilities. Facilities put a trap in Ashcraft’s room three days later, and the trap failed to catch the squirrel, Ashcraft said. Facilities came back a day later to fill in the hole the squirrels were entering in from, and Ashcraft has not had issues with flying squirrels since.

Sophomore Julia Driscoll also said she experienced issues with flying squirrels; though, for her, the response from Facilities was not as fast. Driscoll said that the Sunday after Thanksgiving break, Nov.

Atkins’ roommate saw four squirrels in his room at one time Dec. 3, and Atkins said he was told by maintenance that the squirrels got in through the area surrounding the pipes in the walls. 25, she heard what sounded like a mouse, which was caught the day after. That same day, however, while she was at her desk, a flying squirrel jumped onto it and ran off.

Hungry flying squirrels strip, eat bark from pecan trees
Lenny Wells

Many growers have recently called about the bark being stripped from their trees. This normally occurs on smooth-barked limbs or central leaders 3 inches or less in diameter. The culprits here are flying squirrels.
When food sources become scarce, flying squirrels will strip the bark off smooth barked branches to feed on the tree’s cambium. If they completely girdle the limb or central leader at any point on the tree, the limb or leader will die from that point upward. If the damage does not completely girdle the limb or tree, the wound normally heals over with time. Flying squirrels are nocturnal. Their home range is usually no more than an acre so damage tends to be isolated to certain spots in the orchard.

We at C Tech Corporation make use of Mother Nature’s  gift of senses given to these pests.

 RodrepelTM is the best solution to keep rodents away from human contact.

RodrepelTMis a low-toxic, and low hazard rodent aversive. This product works on the mechanism of repellence. It does not harm or kill the target species but generate fear or trigger temporary discomfort within the pests that keeps the pests away from the application.
The unpleasant experience with the product is imprinted within animal’s memory and passed on its progeny. 

RodrepelTM is available in liquid concentrate which can be diluted in paints and can be applied on the surface. It is easy to apply and dries quickly and does not volatilize.

The product is available in lacquer form which is a direct application. The lacquer can be applied on the furniture and other wooden accessories. It can be applied on already installed wires and cables, polymeric utility pipes and equipment. The product is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, wood, concrete, polymer; ceramic etc.

The product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, equipment and accessories while they are manufactured.

Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray, RodrepelTM rodent repellent spray can be used by anyone and sprayed on the infected area. The product dries quickly and hence does not require much time to deliver the results.

The product is compliant with RoHS, RoHS2, EU-BPR, APVMA, REACH and is FIFRA exempted.

If you are facing problems from these pests then contact us on:

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The Nutria Nuisance

They are back!

And this time they are huge in numbers!!

The nutria which has been especially damaging to the marshland ecology once thought to be eradicated from California is making a comeback and posing a threat to agriculture in the state, according to FERN’s latest story with KQED’s The California Report.

If you wonder about their nuisance causing habits, let me first explain you the menace they cause.

On the banks of rivers, the digging of the long burrows of the nutria often leads to destabilization and erosion of these, or an accelerated filling when it comes to ditches or canals. The network of tunnels can even, when the population is large, even weaken hydraulic structures.

Nutria feed primarily on marsh vegetation that extends above the waterline.   Nutria uses their beaver-sized incisors and powerful forefeet to dig under the marsh surface to feed directly on the root mat, leaving the marsh pitted with holes causing erosion and convert healthy marsh into open water habitat. Also a favorite with corn, wheat and all kinds of vegetables, it can do considerable damage to crops if they are close to its habitat.

It destabilizes the aquatic ecosystem by over-consuming aquatic plants and destroying aquatic bird nests.

Nutria are highly prolific and breed all year. One female nutria can lead to 200 offsprings in just a year! Imagine how rapidly their population increases within a year!!

Nutria, sometimes call coypu, are hosts for several pathogens and parasites that can infect people, pets, and livestock. This rather repulsive animal may carry diseases such as leptospirosis or liver fluke.

 An invasive, elusive 20-pound rodent threatens California agriculture

By Lisa Morehouse and Angela Johnston, Food & Environment Reporting Network │ December 2, 2018

Wearing chest-high waders, biologist Sean McCain tries to tiptoe to the edge of a marsh in California’s Central Valley. A biologist with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, McCain squints as he searches the shoreline.

Sweet potato farmer Stan Silva hadn’t even heard the word “nutria” until a few months ago. He’s still never seen one, but he’s worried about the damage nutria could do if they aren’t eradicated.

“It would be devastating,” Silva says. “They can basically ruin the ag industry here — they get in your fields, burrow into your canal ways, your waterways. They’re just a menace.”

Rodents of Unusual Size Invading U.S. Wetlands

By Sarah Gibbens│ February 16, 2018

TWO HUNDRED YEARS ago, you probably wouldn’t have been able to find them outside of South America.

But since then, nutria, a giant rodent that can grow larger than 20 pounds, has taken hold in the U.S.

California is the latest region to be plagued by the large, buck-toothed, web-footed rodent. Earlier this month, the state’s fish and wildlife department issued a warning about the influx of nutria.

Breeding populations have recently taken hold in the San Joaquin Valley, just east of San Francisco.

It’s a very frightening situation in terms of impact.”

Use of traps is not a feasible way to combat the menace caused by the nutria. Rodenticides inhibit the coagulation of blood. Thus the logistics of using traps or rodenticides is not at all a solution to this menace.

What can be an effective and efficient way to keep this nutria away from the marshlands?

We at C Tech Corporation manufacture a product RodrepelTM which is developed by using green technology. It is an extremely low concern, low toxic, low hazard and non-mutagenic animal aversive. It is durable under extreme climatic conditions.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. The product does not kill the target species but merely repels them.

Our product is ROHS, ROHS2, EU-BPR, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:1996, APVMA, NEA complaint, and FIFRA exempted.

RodrepelTM is available in the forms of a masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.

Masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like fencing, water pipes, irrigation tubing, agricultural films, polymeric tree guards, wires, cables, tires, agricultural equipment, etc. This would result in the final application being rodent repellent.

Liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of farms, gardens, etc. to repel nutria from the area required.

Lacquer form can be directly applied to the already installed application such as farm fences, tree guards, pipes, wires, cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, wood, concrete, polymer, ceramic etc.

Hence by using RodrepelTM the farms and marshlands can be prevented from nutria damage effectively and considerably.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and other pests and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:


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Not VIP’s but still managed to cancel the flights: The rats!

Aviation is one of the most ‘global’ industries: connecting people, cultures and businesses across continents. Aviation has continued to expand. Aviation provides a rapid worldwide transportation network, which makes it essential for global business.

Another species which is making the most of this means of transport is the rodents!! Contrary to popular belief they are making these huge carriers their home. In the recent years, there have been numerable incidents of rodent sightings on planes domestic as well as international. So why do these creatures want to be airborne?

Airports often provide good year-round habitat for rodent populations. Rodents at airports can cause damage directly by gnawing and burrowing activities.

Recently Germany’s Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz’s travel through his jet was canceled not due to bad weather or mechanical problems, but because the rodents had bitten through the electrical cables.

News reported was:

Travel stress in Bali: rodents paralyze Olaf Scholz government plane

October 13, 2018

Olaf Scholz actually wanted to return home quickly from the IMF meeting in Bali – just in time for the Bavarian election. But the Vice Chancellor’s jet was not ready to go. The reason: damage caused by hungry rodents.

A rather unusual case of damage has caused travel stress for Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. Because of a broken government plane, the SPD politician had to reschedule his return from the IMF meeting in Bali.

The Airbus “Konrad Adenauer” was damaged in Indonesia by rodents, which apparently have bitten through electrical cables. This was announced on Saturday on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from delegation circles. Vice Chancellor Scholz was rebooked on a scheduled flight to Germany.

Since he had to go to the airport immediately to be back in Germany because of the eagerly awaited state election in Bavaria, Scholz could not also deny the traditional final press conference with Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann.

Earlier a news was reported as:


Roaming rodent triggers £250,000 bill for passenger care and compensation

By Simon Calder │March 1, 2017

British Airways faces a massive bill to compensate passengers after a mouse was spotted on a Boeing 777 about to depart from Heathrow to San Francisco.

Flight BA285 was due to leave Terminal 5 at 10.40am, but the presence of a roaming rodent meant the original aircraft could not be dispatched. Because mice have been known to gnaw through wiring on planes, wide-ranging checks must be made to ferret out any problems.

A chewed cable could be located anywhere between the tail and the ram air turbine (RAT).

Periodic fumigation for pest control is done by airlines to tackle the menace. Use of rat baits, mechanical traps, and glue boards have already proved to be ineffective. But the growing number of incidences reported clearly states the ineffectiveness of these methods.

Rats on board an aircraft can lead to a catastrophe if they start chewing up electric wires and if that happens, pilots will have no control over the system on board leading to a disaster.

What effective measures can be implemented to avoid this menace?

Rodrepel™ is a product manufactured by C Tech Corporation which is an extremely low toxic and extremely low hazard, and environmentally safe anti-rodent additive specially developed for a range of polymeric and coating applications including films, wires, and cables, etc. It is also effective in case the target species are other animals.

The wires and cables used in the airplanes for radar, communication, control, signaling, data transmission, lighting, surveillance etc. can be incorporated with Rodrepel™ masterbatch to prevent them from pest attack and ultimately avoid any signaling loss, communication disruption or fire hazard. Different types of polymeric seats can be manufactured by incorporating our masterbatch in them.

Rodrepel™ is also available in lacquer and liquid concentrate form and can be easily coated onto an application to repel the rodents.

The liquid concentrate can be blended with paints and applied to the interior and exterior of the airplanes to prevent the entry of pest in them. The liquid concentrate can be applied to the interior and exterior of the airports and the offices. The storage areas from the airports can be coated with our liquid concentrate to keep those places safe from pest menace. The liquid concentrate can be used in accommodation areas of pilots and crew members. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all types of paints and it dries off easily.

The lacquer can be applied on already installed wires and cables, utility pipes, polymeric and metallic racks, pallets. The already installed arrestor cables can be coated using our Rodrepel™ lacquer which will prevent the rodents from chewing them. The lacquer can be applied to metallic components from the equipment. The lacquer is an easy application which is compatible with most of the surfaces like wood, concrete, polymer, ceramics, concrete etc.

Our product CombirepelTM bird repellent lacquer can be used in the airport premises to prevent the nuisance caused by birds.

We have developed our product in the form of a spray, the RodrepelTM rodent repellent spray which is an easy to use product. The product can be sprayed on components from airplanes, offices, kitchen and canteen areas, storage areas, food carts, trolley cars, etc. after clearing the dust and waste from components. It can be sprayed on the wires and cables, seat cushions, doors, and windows of airplanes. It can be sprayed on infested areas and entry points. The product when applied properly repels the pests and protects the components from damage. The expensive components can thus be protected, and unnecessary maintenance cost spent on replacement of the parts damaged by pests can be saved. The product does not cause any harmful effect on human health, non-target species or even target species. The product is safe for the environment.

Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:


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