Nuisance caused by Gopher

Presence of Gophers is a serious problem, as it destroys the underground utility cables and wires, water lines, irrigation pipes etc. Damage done by Gopher is severe in the fall and spring when they are active near the soil surface. Pocket gophers are the rodents whose size is from 5 to 14 inches long.

Pocket gophers have pouches outside their mouth, on each side of the face there is on pouches. As these pockets can be turned inside and outside and they are used to carry food.  They have fur with black, brown and white colors. Pocket gophers heads are small flattened and have small ears and eyes.

Gophers are one the one which are extremely well adapted and built for an underground existence. The gopher lives most of its life below the surface where they dig a burrow system. A gopher can create large mounds. Gopher can dig extensively which can be very deep up to several hundred feet. As they dig burrows, they push the soil to the surface due to which a mound is created, usually in the shape of a fan. Gopher tunnels are sometimes not visible on the ground surface due to their deeper location.

Let’s have a look at the evidence,

Gopher chews through fiber optic line

Frontier Communications technicians were called out early on Nov. 14 after a fiber optic cable line was cut in the McCornick area, effectively downing services across the county.

According to Paul Clark, data and phone services were lost countywide around 3 a.m., after gophers chewed through a 48-strand fiber.

“Everything on the east side of the county was down,” Clark said. “Anyone on a circuit would have been affected.”

The outage knocked out emergency services, causing 911 calls to be rerouted to a backup in Richfield.

“This happens about once or twice a year,” said Clark about pest damage to fiber optic lines. “And of course it had to happen in the middle of the night.”

Approximately 900 feet of fiber was replaced, covered in conduit, and buried underground. The conduit should deter or slow rodent damage, Clark said.

The Millard County Sheriff’s Office reported 911 was rerouted back to local offices around 4:30 p.m. Circuits were repaired by 9:30 p.m., with services operational by midnight, Clark said.

As of Nov. 19, all services “should be up and running,” Clark said. If customers are still experiencing difficulties connecting or have no service, contact Frontier.

Delta customers now have the chance to experience wireless Internet across the city. Newly installed, the new routers have signal that broadcasts up to five miles outside of city limits, Clark said.

Gopher Bounties Still an Incentive for Trappers in Sherburne County, Elsewhere

Jerry Ehlenfelt would likely continue trapping pocket gophers regardless.

The burrowing rodents and the mounds they create pose a nuisance on the 30 acres of land the retired Vietnam veteran owns between Big Lake and Elk River in Sherburne County.

But, the $2 per gopher bounty he’s able to collect from Big Lake Township each year makes the time he spends doing so even more worthwhile.

“It definitely provides you with a little more incentive to go out and get them,” said Ehlenfelt, who turned in around 55 gophers last year. “I’d probably have to do it anyway. Those mounds can become a real issue

C Tech Corporation   can offer a solution to overcome the damage caused by squirrels. RodrepelTM   is an anti-rodent, and animal aversive which is extremely low in toxicity and extremely low hazard, environmentally safe solution. It does not kill target species but only repels them. It is engineered using a unique set of complex compounds. It follows 6 pronged strategy which is extremely effective on rodents like the squirrel, rat, beaver, gopher, paca, marmot, etc.

RodrepelTM is available in the form of a masterbatch, liquid concentrate, lacquer, and sprays.

The masterbatch can be incorporated in cable sheathing. The product in the form of liquid concentrate can be diluted in Paints and organic solvents and can be applied. The lacquer which is a topical application can be directly applied on the already installed wires and cables.

Our newly developed products,  RodrepelTM Pest Repellent Spray is an easy to use product which can be easily sprayed so as to as avoid the rodents and other pests from entering them.

RodrepelTM  is cost-effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, NEA, EU BPR, APVMA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Rodents costing big bucks to homeowners

You might be thinking, “Mice are tiny! How could they cause so much damage? The same can be said for rats, squirrels and other rodents. Don’t let appearances fool you. Mice and other rodents might seem sweet and innocent, but the reality is the damage they can do to your home can be significant and costly.

The rodent can cause millions of dollars in damages to homes every year. Because rodent teeth never stop growing, these critters need to constantly gnaw and chew to keep their teeth short. It’s a survival tactic. If their teeth grow too long, they won’t be able to eat.

For some reason, rodents really love to gnaw on electrical wiring. This is bad news for the homeowner. Rodents will be able to make their way to every part of your home, from your attic to inside your walls, and everywhere else you have electrical wiring. They’ll chew on the wires and make them bare. As you may know, bare wires increase the risk of a fire.

It’s suspected that up to a quarter of all fires attributed to unknown causes are actually started by wire-chewing rodents.

Rodents will cause damage to your possessions for a few different reasons. They’ll tear your clothing and make use of any other soft material in order to build their nests.

They can also easily chew through your wood furniture in order to get inside to hide. They’ve been known to make their way inside large appliances such as dishwashers and stoves to make their nests.

Both plastic and aluminum pipes are no match for rodents. Mice and other creatures can and will chew through your pipes whether as a means to shorten their teeth or just to get through if the pipes are in the way.

Holes in pipes, such as your dishwasher pipes, can lead to costly flooding. If this occurs, you’ll not only have to replace the pipes, but also potentially replace the flooring, the drywall, and other ruined possessions, too.

Your air conditioning units, ductwork and other building places may seem a very inviting place for rodents to set up their homes. Rats and mice love to live inside of ducts and air returns, chewing through insulation and generally causing damage wherever they go. Not only that, but the diseased rodents’ germs may then be blowing through your house.

Attics and crawlspaces act as an invitation to rats and mice who love to practice chewing on thermal insulation. Not only that but if they are nesting in your insulation then you’ll eventually find that your insulation will be less effective. If rodents chew through the insulation around your water heater, they may be creating a fire hazard in your home.

Mice and rats are disgusting creatures that carry germs and disease wherever they go. Hantavirus, Salmonella, and Leptospirosis are just some of the dangerous diseases carried by rodents. Urine, droppings, and saliva from rodents all contain disease-causing germs which can also make their way into the air, resulting in problems with asthma and other allergic reactions.

Let us look at some pieces of evidence where rodents have severely damaged the homes and which lead to great monetary loss

Baby snapped playing next to dead RAT as army of giant rodents invade home

February 17, 2017 │Daily star

Carla Hazlett, 41, claims they have chewed her possessions and left droppings and urine all over her children’s clothes.

Carla said: “There are hundreds of rats and they are into absolutely everything. I can hear them in the walls and ceilings and they have dug holes in the cellar.

“I have found rat droppings and urine on my kids’ clothes in the cupboards so I have had to throw everything out.

“The rats have chewed all my carpets and it has cost me thousands – I had carpeted the house for £1,000 and I had to put a £1,500 three-piece suite outside because there were rat droppings all in it.

“The first time I saw one of the rats, I froze – there was two of them on the worktop in the kitchen just eating the cereal left over from the kids’ breakfast in the morning.

“It has just got worse and worse – I have been sat on the bed before just watching them run around me.”

Berkeley Neighborhood Deals With Rodent Infestation

September 6, 2017 │NBC Bay area

Residents of an East Bay neighborhood were not sleeping easy Wednesday night. They had rats on their mind.

The rodent infestation was so bad in North Berkeley that one woman had to temporarily move out of her home.

The rats are causing a lot of problems for Christine Simon and her next door neighbor.

“It started in May,” Simon said. “I got mysterious bites all over my body, very itchy.”

Simon’s dermatologist narrowed her problem down to rat mites. They are parasites that live on rats much like fleas.

“They take up to two months to die on their own,” Simon said. “Two months of going to bed every night and being eaten alive.”

The control of rodents is an integral step to safeguard health, lives, food, property, and economics. The use of conventional fumigants, rodenticides is no longer considered to be an effective solution to get rid of the rodent infestation as these rodents are becoming increasingly resistant to them, the traditional baits and traps are also proving to be useless in preventing rodents from invading our homes. The essentials used to make these products give ineffective results. Capsaicin is commonly used so as to prevent the damage. The pain receptors of the pests by now have got immune to the capsaicin.

Therefore, we require a long-term and sure shot solution that can help prevent the damaged caused by these rodents in our homes.

What can be an effective solution to the nuisance caused by these mice?

The solution available with C Tech Corporation to this nuisance is a onetime solution and the need of the hour for maintaining an ecological balance considering the significance of these rodents. Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them. The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The products are available in the form of a solid masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.

The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, etc. Thus, making the end application rodent resistant.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied over the entire area of pest infestation by paints. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The already installed cables, pipes, and other application can be coated with our lacquer to protect them from the pests gnawing on this application and thus preventing the damage. The lacquer is a transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against pest nuisance.

You could thus contribute to us in using products which are eco-friendly thus causing no damage to the environment.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Is your car rat free?

What can be more disheartening than waking up one morning for the office and being unable to start the car? And when the hood is opened, finding some serious damages to the internal wirings?!  Investing thousands of dollars while buying a car and again spending more dollars on the repairs is the worst scenario of these days. The repairs give no assurance that there won’t be the same damage again. This is definitely an issue of concern.

Who is the culprit for these huge damages?

Well, these are the tiny creatures which have a habit of chewing everything they come across. Yes, these are the rodents!

The rodents constantly have to gnaw on things to wear their teeth down. Their teeth continually grow, so just like we clip our fingernails, a rat gnaws on things in order to keep its teeth in check. Overgrown teeth are a possible problem for them. They like any surface that they can gnaw on, let the surface be metal, polymer, concrete, wood, etc.

Mice can easily fit through a 1/4 inch hole- About the size of a ring. Rats – a half inch. Nearly every car is susceptible to have small holes or gaps. And the rodents are able to make an entry when through such tiny holes.

The rodents are attracted towards the bright colors and texture of polymers. In the case of automotive wiring, the rodents are attracted because of their taste. Yes, you read it right. The automotive wirings are made of food-grade plastic for a long time now. These make the parts easier to recycle and to meet sustainability targets set by the different government policies. Though ‘green’, these wirings give off a faint smell when warm, which attracts the rodents and they chew up cars. The soy-based content on wiring and fuel lines attract the pests turning vehicles into a moveable feast for pests. as well as rice husks, wood, peanut oil, corn, and other sugars.

Every car owner knows that vermin nesting in a warm engine bay is yesterday’s news. It’s been a problem since the steam age. What is troubling is the growing volume of online stories about rodents chewing up the expensive wiring harness that keep Audis, Hondas, Toyotas, and Volvos running. The damage is not covered by the automaker’s warranty. Also, the assembly is so complex that the mechanics can’t solve the issue and you have to fix the issue by taking it at the car service center.

Recent news reported was:

Toyota rodent/cabling dispute dismissed |

June 16, 2018

A lawsuit by Toyota rodents was rejected after the plaintiffs failed in their claims that soy wires attract rats and other animals and cause them to chew and damage the wiring.

According to the plaintiffs, Toyota switched to “soybean-coated wires” cars, vans, SUVs, and trucks, but the wiring is allegedly defective because it attracts rats and other rodents. Once chewed, the damaged wiring can cause all types of vehicle functions to fail, which is allegedly a security risk.

The proposed class action claims that Toyota is responsible for damage to the wiring that was allegedly covered by the warranty. But the automaker blames the rats for the problem, something that’s not covered by the warranty.

According to the claim, the plaintiffs allege that Toyota’s damage was a “ environmental condition ” and therefore excluded from Toyota’s warranty repair “(19459010) Material Defects .”

The plaintiffs also allege, “ Toyota failed to notify consumers ” that “ it had made the transition ” to the wires coated with soybeans and that the coating “ is more attractive and enticing for rodents and therefore increases the likelihood ” the wiring is chewed.

Mice eating wiring in more and more cars

Woman hit with $1,500 repair bill

By John Matarese, WCPO │ September 5, 2018

If you park your car, truck or SUV outdoors at night, beware.

More and more car owners are getting hit with bills in the hundreds — even thousands — of dollars for rodent damage.

Connie Schwartz of Cold Spring, Kentucky, said she recently spotted something strange in her driveway. The fan belt was laying under her pickup truck.

“A friend came out to fix the belt for me,” she said, “and he said, ‘Oh my goodness, you have a bigger problem.'”

It was much more than a missing fan belt that she faced. Mice or chipmunks had eaten through her entire main wiring harness from the alternator.

“It was chewed all the way to the end, and bare wires were touching metal,” she said.

Years ago this was rarely an issue because automakers used rubber or vinyl wires under the hood.

But lately more and more of them have been turning to soy coatings, as in soy beans, according to several class action lawsuits filed in recent years.

Several ineffective measures are used to stop the menace caused by the pests. Use of ineffective pest repellent sprays and tapes is common. But the essentials used to make these products give ineffective results. Capsaicin is commonly used so as to prevent the damage to cables by pests. The pain receptors of the pests by now have got immune to the capsaicin.

The ultrasonic repeller is used these days. It is a device which emits a frequency that is unattractive to the rat’s ear. They serve to annoy the rat more than anything. These things can work great initially, but rats can get used to the noise.

You can buy the most dependable car on the earth and still face these problems. So what can you do to this?

The solution available with C Tech Corporation to this nuisance is a onetime solution and the need of the hour for the automobile industry. Our products are a blend of green chemistry and smart technology.

Our product Rodrepel™ is an extremely low toxic, low hazard rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. Our eco-friendly products do not kill the target species but only repel them. The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

Keeping in mind about the safety and effective results, C Tech Corporation has developed globally patented, trademarked and approved eco-friendly and easy to use rodent spray called Rodrepel™ Rodent Repellent Spray, for use in cars.

The spray is designed considering the sensory mechanism of rodents. The product does not kill but repels the pest. The product does not cause any harmful effect on human health. RodrepelTM Rodent Repellent Spray has been formulated through original research by C Tech Corporation. The product is safe for the environment. It can be sprayed on the car wirings, underhood components of the car, battery box, fuel tanks, and polymeric hoses. It is compatible with all types of vehicle and totally safe for cars.

The product available in the form of solid masterbatch can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, oil filters, polymeric switch panels, components of ignition box, fuel tanks, fuel hoses, foam seats, airbags, tires and other polymeric components from cars while they are manufactured.

The product available in liquid concentrate can be diluted in paints and can be applied to interior and exterior of the cars. It can be applied over the bonnet, bumper, doors, trunks etc. The liquid concentrate is compatible with all kinds of paints and solvents.

The product in lacquer form is used as a direct application. The lacquer can be applied to already install wires and cables, polymeric hoses, fuel tanks, battery box, etc. The lacquer is transparent product and it does not wear off easily.

C Tech’s green products can help you get rid of the menace caused by these pests in cars.

By using our products, you can get an effective and long-lasting solution against pest nuisance.

You can order our RodrepelTM Rodent Repellent Spray from Flipkart.

You could thus contribute to us in using products which are eco-friendly thus causing no damage to the environment.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Who are the culprits for power outage?

When electricity was discovered it took out the darkness and spread the light everywhere. As the consumption increased, electricity was generated in central power stations. Post that we have been using electricity for many applications. Electricity became the lifeline of sectors like railways, agriculture, telecommunication, etc. It also helped to increase the wealth and GDP of the nation. Today many countries measure their wealth in terms of how much electricity they produce annually. Hence we cannot afford any disturbances in the production and distribution of electricity.

Electric appliances have made our lives easier. Now our day to day life depends on them. The use of wires and cables make it convenient to distribute electricity. But these wires and cables face many problems every day. One of the major problems is that they have a constant threat of damage caused by rodents.

Rodents have a ubiquitous presence and are a nuisance to us. Rodents like squirrels, rats are notorious. They have a pair of incisors which grow throughout their life. Hence to keep them in check they constantly chew on anything they find hard like our wires and cables. They not only damage our wires and cables but they also affect the equipment at the power station.

There have been many incidences where rodents were the culprits causing power outages. This incident happened in Muncie (US) on 3rd February 2016. A squirrel was responsible for a massive power outage leaving more than 4,000 customers without power. A similar incident happened in Tulsa (US) on 5th February 2016. A squirrel caused 40-minute power outage affecting 5,500 customers.

Because of these increasing incidences, people are keeping track of power outages caused by animals. There are also organizations which keep track of such occurrences. The website called cybersquirrel1 recorded a total of  671 power outages caused by squirrels, 255 by birds, 54 by raccoons, 28 by rats, etc. all around the world till the year 2015. The website only showed officially registered incidences, we cannot imagine the total number of undocumented incidences.

The industry is also afraid of these pesky rodents. They are afraid that these rodents can cause heavy monetary losses and can bring any business to stand still.

John C. Inglis, Former Deputy Director, National Security Agency, US, stated that “I don’t think paralysis [of the electrical grid] is more likely by cyber attack than by natural disaster. And frankly the number-one threat experienced to date by the US electrical grid is squirrels.”

According to the officials of Georgia Power (US), squirrels can cause up to $2 million dollars worth of damage yearly.

Officials at Galvin Electricity Initiative, (US) stated that “Our interconnected and highly visible electric power system is extremely vulnerable, and not just to terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Most power outages are caused by problems in the distribution system, and 85 percent of those are caused by squirrels.”

Looking at the above figures and statements there is need of an effective solution as conventional prevention and control methods like the use of pesticides and insecticides have not been effective. These pesticides and insecticides are not designed to sustain manufacturing processes of polymeric applications. They are toxic and hazardous in nature. They leach out of the polymeric applications. They pollute soil and ground water reservoir.

C Tech Corporation  can offer a solution to overcome these problems. RodrepelTM  is an anti-rodent, anti-animal, extremely low toxicity and extremely low hazard, environmentally safe solution. It does not kill target species but only repels them.

The product triggers a fear response in rodents thus protecting the application. It causes severe temporary distress to the mucous membrane of the rodents due to which the pest stays away from the application. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction in case if the pest tries to gnaw away the application. After encountering the above-mentioned emotions, the animal instinctively perceives it with something it should stay away from and stores this information for future reference. The fact that certain rodents are repelled is mimicked by other rodents as well. Thus, the other rodents too stay away from the applications. The unpleasant experience is imprinted within the animal’s memory and passed on to its progeny.

The masterbatch of RodrepelTM  can be incorporated in wires and cables, polymer pipes, etc. RodrepelTM  liquid concentrate can be added to paints and then be applied to the polymeric applications.  The product in the form of lacquer can be applied over polymeric application

RodrepelTM  is cost-effective, inert, thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, NEA, EU BPR, APVMA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Obnoxious Marmots!!!

Marmots are large rodents that often become a nuisance to gardeners, farmers, and homeowners due to their appetites and burrowing habits. The yellow-bellied marmot is the most common species in the United States and a close relative of the woodchuck. Also known as rockchucks or whistle pigs, yellow-bellied marmots are social creatures that live in communities of 10 to 20 individuals. During the spring and summer, the animals undergo a period of hyperphagia, a feeding frenzy designed to fatten the marmots so they can survive the coming winter. By huddling together in underground burrows lined with hay or grass, marmots hibernate for up to 200 days at a time, easily spending half of their 13 to 15 years of life asleep.

Yellow-bellied marmots grow about 2 feet long and weigh up to 12 pounds. They have coarse brown or tan fur with light yellow coloring on their bellies and large claws on their front feet used for digging extensive burrows underground. Their stout bodies are designed to hold thick layers of fat and their prominent front teeth allow them to chew the stalks, leaves, blossoms, and fruits of their favorite plants.

High elevations and rocky outcroppings used as lookout posts are favored habitats for marmots. They can also be found among pastures, meadows, and rocky steppes. The animals have been known to live among the foothills of mountainous regions, burrowing beneath slopes of tumbled-down rocks and boulders, as well. In urban areas, marmots can be seen sunning themselves or gnawing on the grass at the side of the road.

Marmots prefer food sources, such as clover, herbaceous greens, or garden vegetables. Farmers encounter problems when marmots enter fields where cereal grains, root vegetables, or herbs grow. Marmots are naturally shy of humans and will not enter homes. They prefer to scavenge where they have a clear view of danger.

Marmots can cause major damage to gardens and crops. When feeding, marmots tend to chew the entire plant down to the ground, leaving nothing. Ripe vegetables, herbs, and cereal grains are the most enticing temptations to hungry marmots, who will dig beneath most fences to get at desired plants.

Additionally, unchecked burrows may undermine the structural integrity of manmade dams, levees, or embankments.

Aside from the fact that they may be eating your plants, marmots are not all that dangerous, preferring to lounge around all day instead of chasing you. As long as you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone. This means, however, that they may bite you if you try to feed them or you accidentally disturb them.

The most dangerous thing about marmots is that they can carry a bunch of nasty things like ticks that cause Lyme disease, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. It is also possible for them to transmit hantavirus or rabies. These diseases can cause serious medical problems that cause anything from minor aches and pains to severe damage of the nervous and respiratory systems.

Let us look at some shreds of evidence

Marmots plague Eastern Washington neighborhoods

June 24, 2009 │The Oregonian

The large rodents have become pests in the Eastern Washington town of Prosser. Diners at a restaurant in Prosser were startled Monday when a furry marmot wandered through the front door and settled into a corner.

That was no surprise to city Administrator Charlie Bush, who says the big rodents have long been a problem in the central Washington wine town.

In 2006 and 2007, the city paid $5,700 over two years to hire trappers to thin the population. But last year, the City Council ran short of money and decided to get out of the marmot-control business.

Three years ago, residents complained that the rodents were swarming a 75-unit development of manufactured homes near the Prosser airport, burrowing under homes and fouling front porches with their droppings. There were even unconfirmed accounts of marmots attacking people.

Marmots invade Matterhorn area

September 14, 2017

“So sweet!”, coo the tourists. “Shoot them,” say the authorities in Zermatt, where marmots have become a plague. The furry rodents are causing damage to meadows and houses. “If someone leaves a balcony door open, marmots sneak into the house. They also dig beneath retaining walls,” Romy Biner-Hauser, Zermatt’s mayor, told Swiss Public Radio, SRF. “

Farmers in Zermatt are particularly hard hit by the influx of marmots. Shepherd and organic farmer Paul Julen can no longer use one of his fields because of all the marmot holes.

“The risk of accidents is very high when there are so many marmot holes in a meadow,” he said, remarking that he almost lost two newborn lambs that had fallen into a marmot burrow.

The currents rodenticides and traps are being used to control this menace. Repeated exposure to rodenticides builds up resistance in rodents. The pesticides also contribute to air,water and soil pollution. Farmers,pesticide applicators and horticultural workers may contact with pesticides in their professional environment. Several millions of cases of pesticides poisoning are registered every year. Frequent rodenticide applications make the problem worse.

We have a Solution for you!!

C Tech Corporation  can offer a solution to this problem. Our product RodrepelTM is an extremely low toxicity and extremely low hazard and eco-friendly rodent aversive. This product acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanisms ensuring that rodents are kept away from the target application. This innovative product is in masterbatch form, can be incorporated with the drip tapes, tubes, pipes, agricultural films, mulches. The product does not leach out, thus preventing soil pollution. Groundwater reserves are also not polluted. Also, the non-target beneficial species like earthworms, bees etc are not affected.

Our product in lacquer form can be coated over polymeric tree guards, fences, various PVC surfaces etc. which would ensure complete protection against these creatures. Our products provide a safe and environmentally friendly solution to avoid rodent infestation.

The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Mice Menace in Agriculture

The agriculture sector is one of the important sectors all over the world as it provides us with the basic requirement which is food. But a menace to this sector is the loss created by rodents; namely rats, mice, and squirrels; which leads to huge productivity loss and crop contamination.

Rodents are a great threat to farmers as they destroy one percent of the world’s cereal crops on an annual basis. Rodents are the consumers of vitamin and protein-rich foods and often fed on crops embryo, stripping away germination capabilities and nutrients in the process. Rodents are notorious for contaminating food supplies, and one of the primary targets is grains.

Rodents cause harm in pre-harvest as well as the post-harvest stage of the agriculture farming. During pre-harvest time rodents attack sowed grains and decrease the productivity. The loss cannot be estimated. During the post-harvest time the rodents attack on fully developed crops and stored grains.

The drip irrigation technique applied as water conservation method has suffered loss due to rodents. The drip pipelines fall prey to the rodent attacks as they constantly chew on them as a part of their oral maintenance. As well as the water supply pipelines usually equipped with motors also fall prey to rodent attacks. The electric and water supply gets interrupted and cause delay, indirectly increasing the maintenance work of the farmer.

Mallee farmers reporting mice causing damage to canola crops

Gregor Heard 31 Aug 2017

MALLEE farmers in Victoria are anxiously monitoring flowering and budding canola crops for mice damage.

Growers are finding late winter crop damage most severe in canola as opposed to cereal crops, with mice tempted by soft, oil-rich canola buds.“There are crops that you could see going 1.5-2 tonnes to the hectare, but others where there are mice issues you can see going only 0.8t/ha or so, there is a big difference.”

“There is a wide variation in terms of the mouse load, farmers need to make sure they are getting out in the crop and walking around and checking whether they have numbers building up now.” In terms of identifying potential high mice loads, Ms. Browne said chew cards of canola soaked cardboard could be used to get an idea of the presence of mice, while growers also need to be on the look-out for chewed nodes, tillers or buds. Cropping farmers warned to look out for mice heading into warmer months.


August 29, 2017

FARMERS in the Wimmera, Mallee, and parts of the Western District are being urged to monitor and bait for mice in crops heading into spring after what was described earlier this year as some of the worst mice damage ever seen.

“In my area, mice are starting to run up canola plants that are flowering and lopping off seed pods, so that is a sure sign that we need to do something now,” Mr. Hastings said.

“We will need to bait in flowering lupins and canola.”

Mr. Hastings said the group, which takes information from CSIRO trapping, found mice were not currently doing a lot of damage to crops in Victoria.

“But we are concerned, coming into springtime, that they will become more active,” Mr. Hastings said. “The message to farmers is to continue monitoring.”

Like the above-mentioned cases, there are many cases of rodent attacks on farms causing severe damage to crops and its productivity. Entomologist said 4.6 to 54% paddy crops were lost due to rat infestation. Rodent attack damage as much as 55% of horticultural crops. The extent of stored grain losses depends upon the distribution, abundance, and species composition of the rodent population involved.

Mechanical, biological and chemical control methods are present but are not much effective against the regulation of rodent population density. The methods have some adverse effects on crops and indirectly to human beings. Hence there is a need for solution strongly effective rodent repellence.

C Tech Corporation  has developed RodrepelTM  ranges of an extremely low toxicity and extremely low hazard and eco-friendly, non-dangerous and environmentally safe anti-rodent additive that has been evaluated in various applications. It offers long-life action and has been bottom-up designed for various applications. RodrepelTM acts through a series of highly developed intricate mechanism that ensures rodents are kept away from the target application.

Our product RodrepelTM  makes use of the sensory mechanism of smell. Ferocious species are deterred from biting by advanced mechanisms like dermal irritation, extremely pungent taste and sensory stimuli modifications, thus conditioning there response towards the RodrepelTM containing Products.

Rodents, being social animals, communicate the unpleasant experience to their population in the vicinity. The product is environmentally friendly, meaning that it does not leach out of the polymer matrix, in addition to exercising the basic function of keeping the targets away.

The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Menace of the orange toothed!!

Swamp rats also known as orange-toothed species, coypu and nutria are the water-loving rodents that inhabit banks of rivers, lakes, lagoons, marshes, and swamps.

Swamp rats are about 1 meter in length measured from the end of its muzzle to the tip of its round scaly tail. It has short rounded ears and small eyes that are set high on the head to see clearly whilst swimming.

Swamp rats are native to South America but were introduced to the British lands. The Swamp rat’s fur is specially adapted to keep it warm and dry in winter. Long, coarse guard hairs conceal and protect the soft velvety underfur. This under fur is the reason for the Swamp rats breeding in British lands.

The Swamp rats are a constant reminder of the folly of introducing foreign species into a new country without fully considering the consequences. The consequences are as follows:

Swamp rats bite into new territory, but overall Louisiana wetland damage down

By Tristan Baurick, Posted on July 5, 2017 | The Times-Picayune

Nutria is on the move, eating up marshes in three Louisiana coastal parishes that had been largely untouched by the invasive rodent for almost a decade. That’s the bad news.

Since 2001, Nutrias have converted at least 42 square miles of land into open water, according to Wildlife and Fisheries.

The critters showed a renewed taste in the past year for Jefferson, St. Charles and Cameron parishes. These parishes had three of the six new damage sites noted in the 2017 Swamp rats survey. They hadn’t suffered any new damage since 2009.

Nutria regular favorite, Terrebonne Parish, suffered the lion’s share of the damage in 2017. Terrebonne had 82 percent of the total Swamp rats damage recorded in the latest survey. That’s down from last year’s estimate of 99 percent.

Across all coastal parishes, about 5,900 acres showed varying signs of Nutria damage.

Nigeria’s Ailing President Returns Home to an Office Full of Rats

PHILIP OBAJI JR., 08.24.17 12:00 AM ET

Muhammadu Buhari, a career military man, had promised to run the war against Boko Haram with an iron fist. But he’s clearly enfeebled, and the rodents are just one more problem.

CALABAR, Nigeria—Two days after President Muhammadu Buhari returned home—he had been away in London for 103 days receiving treatment for an undisclosed ailment—he managed to address the country. He looked frail and his speech was slurred in the broadcast early Monday morning, but he told his fellow citizens that he had been “kept in daily touch with events at home.”

“Following the three months’ period of disuse, rodents have caused a lot of damage to the furniture and the air conditioning units,” Buhari’s spokesman, Garba Shehu, told the local newspaper This Day as he explained why the president had not been to his office since his return.

It’s still not clear what variant of the rat was responsible for the damage, there are many in Nigeria: thicket rats, swamp rats, shaggy rats, and more. But the infestation hit an office that was renovated only two years ago.

As the fur demand decreased the Swamp rats is considered as the pests in many areas, destroying aquatic vegetation, marshes, and irrigation systems, and chewing through human-made items, such as tires and wooden house paneling, eroding river banks, and displacing native animals.

Swamp rats breed quickly and the breeding is continuous throughout the year. Besides breeding quickly the Swamp rats consume a large amount of vegetation. They feed yearly on plants including grasses, sedges, reeds, water parsnip, and even water lilies.

Swamp rats herbivory severely reduce overall wetland biomass and can lead to the conversion of wetland to open water. Swamp rats are typically more destructive in the winter than in the growing season, due largely to the scarcity of above-ground vegetation; as Swamp rats search for food, they dig up root networks and rhizomes for food.

On plots open to Swamp rats herbivory, 40% less vegetation was found that in plots guarded against Swamp rats by fences. Swamp rats fed more in the fertilized areas. Hence farmlands sprayed with fertilizers are more attracted by these Swamp Rats.

There are several methods used to control the Swamp rat infestation but are proving to be economically expensive and harmful to the environment. The rodenticide Zinc phosphide is used currently but is expensive and remains toxic for several months. The toxicity is reduced with the help of heavy rains but the toxic chemical enters into the water bodies.

Hence we need the best solution to combat against this orange-toothed pest.

CTech Corporation has the solution called as RodrepelTM which is extremely low toxicity and extremely low hazard, non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic anti-rodent pest repellent.

The product RodrepelTM is developed by studying the natural repellency of plants against pests by using green chemistry and advanced technology.

RodrepelTM an eco-friendly rodent aversive works on the mechanism like fear, discomfort, aversion, training and association and conditioning.

RodrepelTM does not cause any harm to target as well as non-target species and hence helps to maintain the ecological balance.

RodrepelTM is available in three different forms viz. Masterbatch, Liquid Concentrate, and Lacquer. Masterbatch can be used while processing the polymeric applications such as wires, pipes, tires, agricultural equipment, etc. Liquid concentrate and Lacquer are the topical solutions that can be applied on the surfaces of fences, wooden house paneling, human-made items, etc.

Hence by using RodrepelTM one can have the best solution to combat against the destructive species- swamp rats.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Groundhogs – the annoying pests!!!

They feed on green vegetables. They dine on beautiful flowers. They burrow holes in the ground.

They are the most annoying and trouble causing pests.

“They” are the GROUNDHOGS!!!

Groundhogs are the largest squirrels of the genus Marmota. The species known by many names such as chuck, whistle pig, groundhog, marmot, monax and others – commonly known as the groundhogs are closely related to tree and ground squirrels, gophers, chipmunks, and prairie dogs.

However, groundhogs are a familiar species in agricultural landscapes within its range, occurring along roadsides, fencerows, pastures, the margins of fields, and even in some suburban habitats. They are normally found in burrows or holes that have been either made by them or by other animals which already left their dwellings.

Groundhogs are sometimes perceived to be pests as they wreak havoc.

How?? Let’s go through the following evidences.

Rock chuck wreaks havoc in Pocatello Parks and Rec building

By Journal Staff, Sep 15, 2017, XTREME IDAHO

POCATELLO — Pocatello Parks and Recreation officials aren’t entirely sure how a rock chuck got into its storage warehouse by Ross Park. But by the time the intruder was discovered, it had already caused hundreds of dollars in damages.

Officials said recently that the rock chuck had entered the warehouse and set up shop during a weekend this summer. Park officials discovered the damage caused by the marmot the following Monday.

By then, the animal had chewed up some foam kayak seats, cords, cardboard boxes and numerous rubber seals around the garage doors. Some of the damaged items were incredibly difficult to reach.

Though rock chucks have been known to occasionally climb trees, this critter was able to access kayaks that were hanging 10 feet off the ground and a cardboard box that was stored 15 feet above the ground.

The kayaks with the damaged seats were retired from future use, while the cords and the rubber garage door seals were replaced. Park employees also had to disinfect and sanitize numerous items because of the animal waste that was left behind.

Marmots invade Matterhorn area

By and Radio SRF, SEP 14, 2017 – 13:38

“So sweet!”, coo the tourists. “Shoot them,” say the authorities in Zermatt, where marmots have become a plague. The furry rodents are causing damage to meadows and houses. 

Visitors to the Matterhorn region love the animals and their warning whistles. In Zermatt, there is even a marmot trail, and every kiosk sells postcards featuring the pudgy critters.

But these prized photo subjects are less popular with some of the locals. Normally, marmots live several hundred metres above the tree line. However, many have been making their burrows down in the village of Zermatt, damaging farmers’ fields. And that’s not all.

“If someone leaves a balcony door open, marmots sneak into the house. They also dig beneath retaining walls,” Romy Biner-Hauser, Zermatt’s mayor, told Swiss Public Radio, SRF. “Now we have to do something; it can’t go on like this.”

“The risk of accidents is very high when there are so many marmot holes in a meadow,” he said, remarking that he almost lost two newborn lambs that had fallen into a marmot burrow.

Yes, the groundhogs burrows are responsible for many accidents and damage to garden grown vegetation. They readily graze in the vegetation leading to rapid crop loss and damage.

These rodents are herbivores, which mean they eat vegetation. Groundhogs eat a variety of vegetation including green grasses, clover, alfalfa dandelion greens, garden vegetables such as beans, peas, and carrots, and in the fall, apples and pears. They also feed on grasses and tree barks.

Groundhogs are solitary creatures, and they spend their summers and falls stuffing themselves and taking naps in the sun. They can eat about a pound of food per sitting.

These round creatures look like little bears when they stand up on their hind legs. Groundhogs also have sharp claws that they use to dig impressive burrows in the ground. Groundhogs keep their burrows tidy by changing out the nesting found inside from time to time.

A groundhog’s burrow can be anywhere from 8 to 66 feet long, with multiple exits and a number of chambers. These holes aerate the soil and provide excellent escape hatches for many other animals, but they are dangerous to livestock and farm machinery. They are often thought of as a “valuable nuisance”.

Those impressive tunneling skills cause problems for farmers; tractors can break an axle driving over them or people can trip in one of the holes and break a leg.

Typically, they have a burrow in the woods for the winter and a burrow in grassy areas for the warmer months. It is estimated that a woodchuck chucks wood about 700 lbs.

They are the rodents considered as an annoying pest when it comes to inhabiting your place which may sometimes cause a mess especially if they are hunting for food and may eventually cause some unnecessary destruction within your property.

To avoid such hassle there are many things that you can do to rid yourself with your groundhogs problem.

Usually, the methods used to control the groundhogs are shooting, trapping, or treating their home by lethal gases but all these methods seem to be unsuccessful in reducing marmots damage.

Rather than being unsuccessful, the methods are leading to the extinction of the species. Hence to maintain the ecological balance you need an eco-friendly way to combat against these large critters.

C Tech Corporation’s RodrepelTM fulfills all you require. RodrepelTM is an extremely low toxicity and extremely low hazard, non-carcinogenic and non-mutagenic anti-rodent pest repellent.

RodrepelTM is manufactured by using the mother’s nature gift of senses bestowed to these rodents. It is developed by using green chemistry and modern technology. It does not kill or harm the targeted as well as non-targeted species.

RodrepelTM is available in the form of a masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer. RodrepelTM masterbatch can be incorporated in the polymer-based products like wires, cables, pipes, agricultural films, equipment polymer parts, etc.

RodrepelTM liquid concentrate and lacquer are the topical applications which can be applied on the surfaces of the application.

The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Spinal cord of Indian Air Force: Wire and Cable system

The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. Its complement of personnel and aircraft assets ranks fourth amongst the air forces of the world. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during an armed conflict.

Airforce is upholding this rank due to its strong wire and cable system. Wires and cables are the carriers of loads of information. Hence are responsible for the smooth functioning and proper communication within forces. Effective communication is vital to any mission’s success, so it’s essential to any system have the means to do so.

Wires and cables work through the signal system. Signaling in any air force system plays an important role. All the air crafts are connected to the air force base through this signaling system. The various actions are taken place depending upon the signals received. The signals are transmitted through the different types of wires and cables. They include Coaxial cables, Fibre Optic cables, Jelly filled cables, Armored cables, Non-armored cables, Kapton wires, Poly-X wires, Teflon wires, etc.

The traditional types of cables used in air force are mostly Armored Cables (AC) and Metal-Clad Cables (MC).  Their flexible metal armor provides mechanical protection to the electrical conductors while enabling them to bend around corners. The cables are pre-wired at the factory eliminating the need to pull conductors into a raceway, which in turn greatly reduces the possibility of conductor damage. AC & MC cable does the job in less space, with fewer bending restrictions as well as less cutting and connecting than most other wiring products.

Armored cables feature some type of metal sheath that is the first layer of armor. It is usually made of interlocking or continuous aluminum or stainless steel, or it can be covered in smooth or corrugated metal tape. Metal-clad cables are typically galvanized steel or aluminum interlocking cable.

Armored and Metal-clad cables are installed specially for providing protection. But do they provide protection from pests? The answer is no and here are some of the pieces of evidence.

How One Nuclear Missile Base Is Battling Ground Squirrels

In Montana, squirrels have been tunneling under a base’s fences and setting off intruder alarms, prompting researchers to strengthen its defenses

By Joseph Stromberg, SMITHSONIAN.COM, August 30, 2013

Malmstrom Air Force Base, in Western Montana, is home to 150 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, each tipped with a nuclear warhead.

In recent years, the base has been dealing with an enemy so relentless that they’ve been forced to call in outside help to defend against it. That fearsome enemy is a species of rodent known as Richardson’s ground squirrel.

The squirrels, each about a foot long and 1-2 pounds, dig extensive underground tunnel networks (they’ve been known to excavate tunnel systems more than 30 feet in length).

“Anything that breaches the perimeter fence will set off the motion detector,” says Gary Witmer of the National Wildlife Research Center, the latter a USDA-funded organization that deals with human-animal conflicts and was called in to help at Malmstrom.

Additionally, over time, the rodents have started damaging the base’s physical infrastructure. “They’re burrowing under foundations, undermining road beds and gnawing on cables,” Witmer says.

Rats on a plane! Aircraft carrying 200 passengers overrun with stowaway rodents is grounded amid fears they would chew through electrical wires

By Chris Kitching

PUBLISHED: 16:13 BST, 6 August 2014 | UPDATED: 17:21 BST, 6 August 2014

The aircraft’s crew noticed the rodent stowaways scurrying free in the rear half of the cabin as the plane, carrying about 200 passengers and staff, landed at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport from Calcutta.

After flight AI021 landed safely and pulled up to the gate, the crew cleared everyone off the Airbus A321 and had it taken out of service, the Times of India reported. Rats! This is at least the third time in the last five years rodents have been found on an Air India flight

Normally, the plane would have been prepared for the next flight, but it was taken to a remote bay to be fumigated in an effort to exterminate the vermin.

The discovery of rats in the cabin may seem like a comical end to a flight but the tiny intruders risked throwing the plane into complete chaos, as they posed a serious threat to the safety of the passengers and crew.

An unnamed official told the Times of India: ‘Rats on board an aircraft can lead to a catastrophe if they start chewing up electric wires of a fly by wire plane. ‘If that happens, pilots will have no control over any system on board leading to a disaster.’

An Air India official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Agence France-Presse rats on planes are a ‘common phenomenon’ worldwide and they could ‘get in anywhere’, although they normally sneak onto aircraft via catering vehicles loaded with food.

Hence though they may seem harmless; insects, rodents, and birds can significantly impair the operations on an Air Force base. It’s the responsibility of Pest Management specialists to take the necessary actions to control and prevent pest infestations. We need to do everything from keeping bases free of pests that could carry debilitating infectious diseases to repelling birds from airfields to ensure safe takeoff and landings, protection of health and safety of everyone on base.

For the complete protection from pest infestation, we provide a permanent solution. We at  C Tech Corporation have come up with an effective solution. The products are developed with a base of green technology. We have RodrepelTM , an extremely low toxicity, and extremely low hazard and eco-friendly, non-dangerous and environmentally safe rodent repellent.

Our product is available in the form of a masterbatch, which can be directly incorporated in the application while manufacturing and in form of lacquer that can be directly applied as a top coat on the surface of application. RodrepelTM does not kill but only keeps the rodents away by making use of their sensory mechanisms.

The product functions from a distance due to the peculiar smell which generates a typical fear response in rodents. Rodents are further restricted from biting the applications treated with our products due to advanced mechanisms like dermal irritation, extremely bitter taste, sensory stimuli modification etc.

Further, they acquire a fear towards the RodrepelTM containing products which make them stay away from the application. Thus, RodrepelTM actually helps in modifying rodent behavior. Rodents being social animals also communicate the bad experience to their population in the vicinity. Hence by using RodrepelTM one can have a long-term solution. We at  C Tech Corporation are committed to our environment & we believe that no harm must be caused to animals or to the environment.

The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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Troublesome squirrels

Just imagine a beautiful Sunday afternoon, with no one to disturb, you are enjoying your favorite TV series while lounging on a comfy couch. What more could one wish for?

But heaven forbid, if this perfect setting is ruined by a sudden and unanticipated power cut, know that it’s mischief of a little ninja trying to experiment its weapons on your TV cable, leaving you with nothing but exasperation!!!

While there are many causes for power outages ranging from fallen branches to cable failure, but believe it or not, a well-co-ordinated rodent assault can be undoubtedly accused guilty in disrupting and frustrating thousands of people at a time, switching off our electrified lives for hours.  Their cute and furry façade often masks their propensity of gnawing on underground cables, and on top of it, these little nut eaters continue showing no sign of penitence for their wrongdoing!!!

Well-known rodent like squirrels, characterized by two pairs of unremittingly growing incisors in each of the upper and lower jaws are doubtlessly causing havoc in the telecommunication arena.

Squirrels, otherwise known for their robust bodies, short limbs, and long tails, have topped the list in posing a great threat to our electrical grids!!! Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, consisting of small or medium-sized rodents. They are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and have been introduced to Australia. Like all rodents, squirrels have four incisors that grow continuously throughout their life.

Apart from crunchy nuts and fresh berries, these little invaders prefer nibbling on the aerial cable routes, thus damaging them along with increased maintenance expenses. They chew up the copper wires from metallic cables as well as fibers from optical cables. Damage to these fibers optic cables can cause shut down vital communication links to airports, emergency services, and Nuclear power facilities. Therefore protecting these ‘information canals’ has an ever-increasing significance.

In this battle of network vs. squirrels, even the transformers do not get an exemption. Squirrels burrow their way into transformers for the same reason they enter rotting cavities of aging trees: hollow spaces offer them den sites and safety from predators.

One might wonder the need for these notorious mammals being so interested in closely exploring the cables, even when these cables don’t suit their palate? The answer is simple; Most of the time squirrels gnaw to fulfill a portion of their dietary habits – opening hard-shelled nuts. If, however, squirrels do not have an adequate dietary reason or opportunity to exercise their incisors, there is a danger of the teeth “overgrowing”. In these cases, the incisors can prevent the squirrel’s mouth from closing (severely restricting its ability to eat), or the teeth may actually cause injury to the animal, including puncturing the roof of the mouth. If squirrels have need of wearing down their incisors, and there are no other hard substances nearby, they will gnaw on cable. Cable components such as polyethylene and aluminum shielding handily meet the needs of squirrels in the neighborhood when it comes to oral maintenance.

  • Squirrel Causes Power Outage in Bartlesville
    15th May 2016,, Bartlesville, USA

 Public Service of Oklahoma reports a problem with a squirrel caused power outages in some parts of Bartlesville. Spokesperson Tiffini Jackson said the squirrel got into a transmission line which overloaded an underground line. That caused a feeder station to go out. At its peak, about 2,000 customers were without electricity. PSO was able to re-route, and that number was down to under 700 customers around 9 a.m., according to Jackson. Power was restored before 11 a.m. The squirrel did not survive.

·         Squirrel blamed for Southgate School power outage in Kennewick
9th May 2016, Tri City Herald, Kennewick

A squirrel is to blame for a power and internet outage in central Kennewick on Monday morning. The outage happened near Morain Street and North 19th Avenue and knocked out power to Southgate Elementary School, the Sun Meadows Mobile Home Park and neighboring homes.

·         Squirrel causes power outage

10th May 2016, The Gaffney Ledger, USA

Another bushy-tailed, nut-loving menace wreaked havoc on the Board of Public Works’ electrical grid. A squirrel squirmed into the Suez Street substation, causing a 90-minute outage at Gaffney High before meeting an untimely death.

According to Cyber Squirrel’s data, till the year 2015 there have been about 714 squirrel related power outages.

It’s high time now, to show these cyber terrorists that we humans are capable in combating their continuous attacks. For this we require a long-term and sure shot solution that would keep these away from optical and metallic cables, thus preventing any further losses.

C Tech Corporation can offer a solution to overcome the damage caused by squirrels. Rodrepel™ is a non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-carcinogenic and environmentally safe, anti-rodent additive. The masterbatch of Rodrepel™ can be incorporated in wires and cables and other polymeric applications. Rodrepel™ lacquer can be added to paints which can be applied to the already installed cables.

RodrepelTM does not kill but repel. It is engineered using a unique set of complex compounds. It follows 6 pronged strategy which is extremely effective on rodents like squirrel, rat, beaver, gopher, paca, marmot etc.

Rodrepel™ is cost-effective, inert, and thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not volatilize and does not degrade in the soil.

The product is compliant with ROHS, ROHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA, EU-BPR, and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with rodents and get best remedies to combat the pest menace.

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